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Christmas bonuses approved at Carmi City Council meeting

The Carmi City Council met for their first meeting in November Tuesday evening.  With only one item on the agenda for consideration, the business portion wrapped up quickly.

The Council unanimously approved Christmas bonuses for city employees.  Full time workers will receive $60 plus an additional $5 for each year of service.  Part time employees, firemen, and EMA members will receive a flat bonus of $60.  The bonuses will be paid out of the Light and Water Department, as that money does not come from tax revenue.

Mayor Pollard reminded the public and the Council of upcoming It’s A White County Christmas activities, including the Reindeer Run relay, store window decorating contest, and the lighted Christmas parade.  Pollard also said that a ballot box had been placed at the Light and Water office for the public to vote for Employee of the Year.

City Supervisor Mike Buckman told the Council the water line project on Hillsdale Drive is going extremely well, and that City workers had installed two new fire hydrants.  Next week, Buckman said he will start looking at paving problems on Iris Lane and Montgomery Circle.

Electrical Engineer David Coston informed the Council of the state of the power plant and issues with the older part of the facility.  Coston presented information about what needs to be done by the City to keep the plant, which generates $500,000 a year in credit from the IEMA, viable for the future.   Coston noted that any solution would have great expense, but not taking action in the near future would also cost the City great amounts of money.  Council members agreed to look at the information and come up with a plan to be presented at a later date.

The Council went into executive session at 6:10pm. The next City Council meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 5:30pm.


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