CWC High School gymnasium will be jam packed with several cheerleaders ready to show off their best stunts, dances, and cheer routines to help raise as much money as possible for Cheer for a Cure.
Lacey Moore and Amy Rice visited Kiwanis to talk about the event and all the hard work and care that goes into kicking off a fantastic day of cheer. Along with Moore and Rice, Jennifer O’Daniel, Candance Masterson, Dayna Siegel, Kenley Masterson Blair, and Whitney Barbre are the ladies in charge of creating this excellent opportunity for the community.
Rice discusses that 13 vendors have been added to the event, “We have Heath Rush with the Green Pig, coffee and tea from Higher Grounds, John Bolerjack, ‘the Baking Marine’” were just a few of the many that are donating their time and talents to help bring some great tasting foods to the event.
Throughout the years, Moore states, “In the amount of time we’ve been doing this competition, we think our estimate is well over $215,000, and we have helped well over 50 families in our area. We feel blessed and couldn’t do that without our community’s support.” With the donations and sponsorships alone for this year, Cheer for a Cure has started the competition day off with $15,000.
This year, the money that will be raised will specifically help many individuals in the surrounding community, including Brooklyn Budde, Madeline Lamp, Robin Tupper, Dana Hull, and others who have chosen to battle privately.
Moore added that this year, every cheer team and cheerleader will collect donations until the day of competition. The cheerleader with the most donations will win a bright pink Stanley cup and a gift card. The cheer team with the most donations will win a giant speaker for their team and the “Poms with a Purpose” trophy.
The fun-filled day of cheer will start on Saturday at 8:30 am; at 1:00 pm, current cancer fighters and survivors will be recognized, and the competition will end at 1:30 pm. The morning session will be on a spring floor with all-star teams and gyms like tumble time, and then stunt teams will compete for one minute. In the afternoon, school teams will go all out for their three-minute routine.
Even if cheerleading is not your cup of tea, go out to the McDougal-Evers Gymnasium for good food, delicious desserts, and raffle baskets galore, and celebrate the many individuals who are battling or have battled cancer.