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Chamber of Commerce Dinner Set

Chamber of Commerce Dinner Set


The 74th annual Carmi Chamber of Commerce Dinner will be held, as usual on the first Monday in October; Oct. 1.

The event will begin with a social hour at 6, continuing through about 6:30 at the First Christian Church. The evening will include the State of the City address, which will be delivered by Mayor Jeff Pollard.

The 2018 Citizen of the Year, along with the Small and Large Business of  the year will also be revealed that night. This year’s Carmi White County CEO Class will also be introduced.


There is a cost of $20 per person for chamber members and $25 for non-members. A pre-paid reservation is needed and the reservations will not be accepted after, next Monday, sept. 17

As in the past, the chamber is offering local businesses a chance to publize their company/business by purchasing a placemat to advertise your business.

Invitations and forms to order a placemat were mailed to chamber members. Non-members who would like more information may e-mail the chamber at [email protected]



Toby Brown, outgoing president of the Chamber and the new Chamber Executive Director Lauren Higginson will be our guest on Open Line, next Monday, Sept. 17.