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Carmi White County School Board Approves New Budget

Carmi White County School Board Approves New Budget

The board unanimously approved the Fiscal Year 2019 budget. Total receipts are projected at $15.5 million with expenditures of $13.8 million, resulting in a positive balance of $1.7 million. The budget allows the district to maintain the programs that are expected while providing money to maintain a positive teaching and learning environment.

Also approved was an insurance recommendation of a bid from ICRMT for package, boiler and machinery, auto, umbrella and legal liability, for a total premium of $107,377 as presented through Diamond Brothers Insurance of Centralia. This is an annual premium decrease of $37,677 or 26% under expiring premiums.

The district received $871,257 in total revenue for August.

In the superintendent’s report, Brad Lee said sixth day enrollment for the 2018-19 school year was 1,345, up three students from last year.

Five teachers received $300 grants from the Carmi Chamber of Commerce. The district thanks the Chamber for supporting Unit #5 teachers.

The district has submitted an EBF Spending Plan as required by the State Board of Education to see how districts are utilizing the new Education Based Fund and Tier Funding Dollars.

They’re also working on a Strategic Dashboard with the hashtag Bulldog Pride to highlight all of the good things that are going on in the district. It’ll be put on the website shortly.

The updated administrator and teacher compensation report, will also be on the district website by October 1st.

In other business, approved were six board policy revisions, adoption of a board policy and a five year review of 11 other board policies.

They also approved a serious safety hazard resolution as required to annually certify that the hazards still exist.

The board went into closed session at 7:23 PM to discus personnel and the sale or purchase of real estate property.