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Carmi Lighted Christmas Parade Line-Up Announced

The 2016 Lighted Christmas Parade will begin at 6 p.m. on November 26. Entries are as follows:

1. Carmi Police/ Fire Department

2. Color Guard

3. Carmi Fire Department

4. Mayor Jeff Pollard

5. Miss White County Christmas Abbie Bryant

6. Junior Miss White County Christmas Jasmine Allen

7. Little Miss White County Christmas Brianna Hale

8. Tiny Miss White County Christmas Kenley Davis

9. Baby Miss White County Christmas Sophie Lucas

10. CWCHS Band

11. Southern Illinois Showstoppers

12. White County Historical Society

13. Miss Illinois Teen USA Olivia Bohleber

14. Little Miss Mule Day Abbagail Mobley, Mule Day Princess Whitley Jordan, Mule Day Princess 1st Runner Up Cori Jordan

15. McDonald’s

16. Joyner Therapy Services

17. Peoples National Bank

18. H and R Block

19. Slayton Wireless

20. Carmi Lions Club

21. FOP

22. Girl Scouts

23. Miss White County Whitley Verble

24. Jr. Miss White County Emily McGhee

25. Little Miss White County Remi Taylor

26. Santa

Those wishing to participate in the parade, but have not yet made an entry, should contact the Chamber office at 618-382-7606 by 2 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23.

Line- up will begin at 5pm with the parade departing at 6pm from the First Baptist Church parking lot (west of the building). Floats will travel down Oak to Third Street. At Third, the parade will turn north (left) and proceed to Stewart Street.

At Stewart Street, the parade will turn east (right) and proceed to Cherry Street. The parade will turn east (left) on Cherry Street and travel to Main Cross Street. At Main Cross, the parade will turn right and proceed to Veteran’s Memorial Park.

The Tree Lighting will be held immediately following the parade at Veteran’s Park. Santa will then visit with the children at his house which will be located on Main Cross Street until 9 pm.
