The Carmi City Council met for the second of their two monthly meetings Tuesday. The meeting got underway with the council approving the July 11th Council meeting minutes, the 2023 financial reports for the City of Carmi and Light and Water Departments and the vendor invoices for the City of Carmi and Light and Water Departments.
The council approved a request for road closure at North Main Cross from Main Street to Robinson Street for the Farm to Table event on October 12, 2023 and to work with a planning committee to plan an event for the 2024 Solar Eclipse. Also approved was the purchase of light poles from Bridgewell Resources in the amount of $22,972 and a pay request to Brown and Roberts for the Burrell Woods Park Roadway Construction in the amount of $4,031.70.
There were no reports from the Mayor or reports from standing committees and there were no comments from visitors. No executive session was held.
The Carmi City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.