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Carmi Alderman arrested Thursday by ISP


lamont jack 11-6-15

Illinois State Police Troopers arrested Carmi Alderman Jack Lamont Thursday morning on two charges of theft following an investigation that began in 2013.

The 72 year old Lamont is accused of stealing a coin collection from the estate of Robert Hughes.  Lamont was the executor of Hughes’s estate following his death in 2013.  Investigators say that Lamont tried to sell the collection for personal gain, instead of directing proceeds to the White County Senior Citizens Center, as specified in Hughes’s will.

Lamont was processed at the White County Jail and released after posting a $4000 cash bond.

Because of a previous conviction for retail theft in 1983, Lamont was additionally charged with a class 3 felony that could carry a five year prison sentence if convicted.

Lamont also faces a civil suit in White County Court related to the accusations.  A status hearing in that case is scheduled for December 2nd at 9:30am.


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