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Busy Meeting for McLeansboro Council

Busy Meeting for McLeansboro Council


Council passed a resolution authorizing the purchase of natural gas from PEFA Inc. and approved a gas supply agreement relating to the purchase by the issuance of bonds by PEFA.  And an amendment to the utility gas management natural gas agreement was approved.

They also adopted an intergovermental agreement between the city of McLeansboro, the county of Hamilton, the city of Fairfield and the county of Wayne for the creation of an enterprise zone; adopted an ordinance establishing an enterprise zone within the city of McLeansboro; and a resolution authorizing the County Clerk to abate a portion of its taxes on real property located within the designated Hamilton/Wayne enterprise zone.  Council also decided to reimburse Tom Wolf of the McLeansboro Dairy Queen $9,370 in TIF monies and approved the release of TIF monies to Keifer Brothers Construction and Hamilton County Concrete for repairs to Pearl Street between Market and Randolph.

They tabled renewing the city insurance and will hold a special meeting on the matter sometime before December 1st, when their policy expires.  Insurance rates are up 2.6% from last year mainly due to an increase in coverage.  Also, workmen’s compensation coverage was raised because of an increase in payroll.

It was agreed to join the NJPA, or the National Joint Powers Alliance, at no cost to the city.  They provide bids for equipment for future leases or purchases.  It’ll be used for the purchase an auger truck for the electric department

In other business, Christmas bonuses to full-time employees and volunteer firefighters for this year were increased from $150 to $175, a donation of $2,500 to the Hamilton Memorial Hospital Foundation was approved, the city code was amended to change the sexual harrassment reporting deadline from 180 to 300 days, and a proposal was accepted for the demolition of a mobile home located at 405 Rowan Drive pending the city obtaining the title to the property.

A 25 minute executive session was held to review executive session minutes for several meetings between October of 2016 and May of 2017.  Afterwards they decided to keep the minutes as listed sealed.

Council adjourned at 7:02 PM.