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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Browning Wins Merry & Bright Home Decorating Contest

Christmas lights and displays…they’re a staple of the holiday season.  They also take a ton of effort and work, often in uncomfortable, chilly weather.  It’s truly something folks do for others even if they get something out of it themselves and the winner of this year’s Carmi Chamber of Commerce Merry & Bright Home Decorating Contest took it a step further.  Heather Browning has only been in the home at 210 Stewart Street for a couple years but says a Christmas display with giveaways is something she’s always wanted to do.

I’ve only lived here in this house for two years.  I previously lived down the street and bought this one two years ago.  I’ve always wanted to be able to give stuff away to children, some that are in need, but it doesn’t have to be kids that are necessarily in need.  I’ve always wanted to do something good to give back to the community and the children.

The house itself is decorated.  What sets Browning’s display apart is the interactive element of it.  Browning has turned the sidewalks (she lives on a corner) into a walk through display so folks can certainly enjoy it just driving by.  Youngsters are also encouraged to get out and meander amongst the dozens of displays, inflatables, and under the holly, jolly arches before arriving at a station where kids could register for hundreds of giveaways including cash and toys.

It’s taken a lot of hours and some elves to help me too.  I didn’t really have a theme.  I just wanted to do a little bit of everything.  Stuff that caught my eye and that I thought the kids would like.  And the giveaways, there’s been a lot of people…some that have lost their jobs…and they told me a lot of these gifts they’ve been given, I’ve done it for 5 weeks since the week of Thanksgiving; they told me those kids are only going to be getting those presents that I’ve given away for their Christmas.  It definitely teared me up.

Browning says she’s been blessed this year and she feels it’s important to give back if you can.

Megan Newman, the Carmi Chamber of Commerce President says there were about 16 contestants in this year’s contest along with a handful of past winners.  You can get a map of the entire Merry & Bright tour of homes by driving through the Christmas Lights of Hope display at the White County Fairgrounds.  The contest was sponsored by H.D. Bean Jewelers and Wabash Senior Living in Carmi.  Residents from WSL were judges for this year’s contest.

See the display all lit up and other contestants here.