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Assessor Asks for Assistance from Property Owners

Assessor Amy Short-Edwards has issued the following release:

Attention All White County Taxpayers

Amy Short-Edwards is the Township Assessor for all the townships in White County that consists of:  Mill Shoals Township, Enfield Township, Indian Creek Township, Bt. Prairie Township, Carmi Township, Gray Township, Phillips Township, Hawthorne Township, Heralds Prairie Township, and Emma Township.  If you need a re-assessment, report removal of a structure, report something new has been added to the property (building, addition, manufactured home etc.), or need to discuss your assessed value please call me directly at 618-383-5614 or for Carmi Township only you may also call the township office at 618-382-7889.  The Tax Assessment Cycle starts with the Township Assessor.  Thank you!


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