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A Full Crowd Turned Out For Gun Meeting

Gun Meeting

– It was standing room only at Family Life Center in Enfield Tuesday evening.

Illinois Senate Bill 107 is calling for a ban on firearms it defines as “assault weapons.” It drew the most attention during Tuesday’s meeting.

“We should be alarmed,” said State Senator Dale Righter, a republican of District 55.

SB 107 is sponsored by five democratic senators. It would ban the possession of almost every semi-automatic weapon out there. If you already own one, you would have 300 days to register the weapon with state police or else face a felony charge.

“The bill was assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Senator Righter told the crowd.

State Representative Darren Bailey (R), urged people to call leaders in Springfield and voice their opposition.

White County Sheriff Doug Meier also was there to say he and the Illinois Sheriff’s Association don’t back SB 107.

The county’s State’s Attorney Denton Aud sparked a standing ovation when he spoke about what he’d do if the bill becomes law.

“With the limited resources we have in seeking justice, we will not arrest or prosecute any one who is otherwise law-abiding for merely possessing those firearms,” Aud said before the room erupted in applause.

If SB 107 passes, gun owners could legally keep their banned weapons if they register the weapon’s make, model, caliber, and serial number with State Police. They’d also need proof of a valid FOID card and proof of a locking device for the gun.

If it passes, registration would cost $25 per person. Failing to register a weapon could then land you with a Class 3 felony, which carries a prison sentence of up to five years and a $25,000 fine.