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GWRPC hold annual dinner

L-R: Scott Merkle, Donald Price, Charlotte St. Ledger, Larry Miller

The Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission Board of Directors held their annual dinner on Thursday, March 29th at The Barn in Lawrenceville, IL. A progress report was given by the Executive Director, Sarah Mann, and the board elected new officers. 2018 officers elected were: Chairman: Joe Judge, Vice Chairman: Rob Anniss, Secretary: Scott Merkle, Treasurer: Randy Hallam. Tom Robinson was the guest speaker representing Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce. He discussed the Annual UnCorked Festival that will be held at Red Hill State Park in Lawrence County on July 28th featuring local wineries, live music and food.

Four of the board members were honored for their years of service on the GWRPC Board of Directors. Donald Price was recognized for 10 years of service. Donald is a representative from Wabash County and serves as the Revolving Loan Fund Chairman. Larry Miller was recognized for 20 years of service. Larry is a representative from Richland County and serves as the Personnel Committee chairman. Also recognized for 20 years of service was Scott Merkle who represents Wayne County. Scott is on the Revolving Loan Fund Committee and has served as the Board Secretary for 11 years. For 30 years of service, Ms. Charlotte St. Ledger was recognized. She is a representative from Edwards County and served as the chairman for over 10 years from 2006 until 2017. Charlotte is currently active on the Personnel and Revolving Loan Committees.

GWRPC is a federally designated Economic Development District that serves the following seven counties: Crawford, Edwards, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, Wayne, and White. Please visit their Web-site at