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Leaps and Bounds: Immel Talks Bullfrogs Swim Team Impact

Let this sink in…swimming is one of the most ridiculous sports out there.  Not what you’d expect to hear from the swim coach, Swimming is basically a sport to see who is the worst at drowning. But the rest of Martha Immel’s presentation at Kiwanis Thursday...

Local Impact of Minimum Wage Hike

Minimum Wage Local ImpactIn a story from our media partner, Channel 44 News, a local business was in the spotlight concerning the minimum wage hike.Several state and cities have already tackled the issue of raising minimum wage and now Illinois is next in line.Illinois...

Upcoming Hamilton County Road Closures to Impact Motorists

The Hamilton County Highway Department will be improving Tucker’s Corner Road and Akin Road between points a half-mile east of Tucker’s Corner to Campbell Corner Road intersection starting Monday and continuing through the end of this month, weather permitting. Sections of...