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White County Democrats hold June meeting

The White County Democrats held their monthly meeting last night, June 21st, 2018, at the White County Fairgrounds. In discussion were the upcoming golf scramble, which is scheduled for next Saturday, June 30th, at the Carmi Country Club. All are welcome to come and play. Local democrat candidates and elected officials will be in attendance.
Also discussed were plans for this year’s White County Fair, and this fall’s annual parades.
Additionally, Democrat County Chair Nancy Mitchell, says they have some surprises in store for the near future which they hope to be able to announce soon.

Unable to attend were candidate for State Representative Cynthia Given, Supervisor of Assessments Terry Ziegler-Abell, County Vice Chair Tim Scates, precinct committeemen Dale Shuler, Heather Woods, Kern Doerner, Razor Johnson, and newest precinct committeeman, Patrick Scates.

Pictured front row: Circuit Clerk Kelly Fulkerson, Democrat County Chair Nancy Mitchell, County Clerk Paula Dozier, candidate for Sheriff Jonathan Williams, candidate for County Treasurer Sandy “Hutchcraft” Choate, and Democrat Treasurer Melissa Kittinger.
Pictured back row: precinct committeeman George Woods, candidate for County Clerk Beth “Wheeler” Sell, precinct committeeman Riley Matz, candidate for County Board Clint Spencer, and precinct committeemen David Hays and Tom Scates.