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White County Board Meets Tuesday

White County Board Agenda


The New White County Board will hold its first session with new members, Clint Spencer and Jakie Carter assuming their positions.

One of the first orders of business will be the official reorganization of the board which includes electing a chairman and a vice chairman. At this time, hints are Don Puckett will be named chairman. The reorganization will also include committee appointments, all to be addressed at the meeting Tuesday night at 7.

There is a full agenda for the meeting including approving a $100,000 bond for country treasurer Pam Armstrong; consideration of appointing Justin Dartt to the Egyptian health Department Board to fill the vacancy of Ray Smith. The board will also consider the resignation of Ron McAnulty from the health department board.

The appointment of James P. Taylor to a two year term to the board of review will be considered and likely approved.

The 2019 holiday calendar will be presented to the board, along with a jury source list to be presented by Circuit Clerk Kelly Fulkerson.

A jail inspection report will be presented by the county clerk’s office, along with a contract proposal from Dr. Saquib’s office for the city county jail.

And the ambulance service will also be discussed as the board will consider full time paid ambulance service with staffing for one 24 hour truck.

This will be the first meeting for newly elected county clerk Beth Sell, with the meeting to begin at 7 in the upstairs courtroom of the White County Courthouse, here in Carmi.