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White County Board hears presentation on new insurance options at August meeting

The White County Board met Tuesday night for their August meeting and after approving last month’s meeting minutes received an update from County engineer Brian Ray, who said that patching on the Centerville blacktop will begin today, and weather permitting, the resurfacing project should be completed by the end of the month.  Drivers should expect delays during this time.  Other oil and chipping projects will begin in September.

Ambulance Director Adam Allen told the Board his department continues to straighten out their finances, presenting the members with a detailed report, including Medicaid write-offs totaling $19,000.  Allen also said they are going forward with using a collections agency to recoup delinquent accounts, and instituting a $150 fee for service refusal.

The White County jail currently houses 66 prisoners, and Don Puckett relayed a message from Sheriff Meier about a new federal program dealing with transgender inmates that could cost the department over $13,000 a year, and may impact the future of housing federal prisoners.

The 9-1-1 board will meet on Monday at 6pm at the Courthouse and the Board was invited to a dinner meeting of the White County Farm Bureau on August 24.

Mike Snedeker and Kevin Kern from Snedeker Risk Management presented the Board with a proposal about the Hope Trust, a self-funded public entity insurance program currently serving 22 counties, including Wabash and Lawrence counties.  The Board agreed to further research with no action taken.

The Board unanimously accepted the resignation of Gail Barton from the Egyptian Health Board and then appointed Don Allen to take her place.  Diana Campbell was unanimously appointed to a 5 year term on the White County Housing Board.

The 2017 holiday calendar was approved, and a bid by Clearwave Communications for providing phone and internet service to county departments was tabled until Puckett could gather more information from the company representative.

The meeting adjourned at 7:52pm and the Board will meet next on Tuesday, September 13 at 9am at the Courthouse.