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White County 4-H Show to begin Friday

The 2018 4-H Show begins this Friday, July 6 and runs through Wednesday, July 11, 2018. This year 135 4-H members are enrolled in over 1000 exhibits at the White County 4-H Shows. White County 4-H members have worked throughout the year on projects varying from cooking to livestock. All exhibits are judged in conference style judging; a method that is becoming foreign to some 4-H programs. 4-H members display their projects, are interviewed, and receive a rating based on the overall quality of the project and interview. The ultimate goal for every 4-H member is to be selected as a best of show winner, state fair delegate, or grand champion.

Horse Show

The 4-H Horse Show will begin at 5:00 p.m. Friday evening at the Jerry & Dorothy Sutton Farm near Norris City. Members will compete for high-point trophies in horsemanship and showmanship classes and will enjoy several fun activities, such as the egg and spoon race, barrel races, pole races, and a catalog race.

Dogs, Cats, and Small Pets

The smaller animal shows will be held Saturday, July 7 and will include dogs, cats, and other small pets. The judging for these shows will begin at 1:00 p.m. and will conclude with the dog obedience contest immediately following the conclusion of the previous shows. This year’s show will be held once again at the White County Fairgrounds Floral Hall.

Archery, Air Rifle, Pistol, & Shotgun Shoots

This year there will be archery, air rifle, air pistol and shotgun shoots for members of the White County 4-H Shooting Sports SPIN Club. The Shooting Sports Contest will be at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 8, at the Carmi Rifle Club. Participants will compete in different archery, rifle, pistol, and shotgun shoots while being awarded placings/ratings based on performance.

Food Show

Food projects will be judged beginning at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, July 9. This year there are more than 138 individual exhibits ready for judging at the annual show. These projects range from the beginning cooking projects involving cookie and coffeecakes to the advanced projects including pastry shells, yeast bread rolls, and homemade candies.

Clothing Show

The Clothing Show will also be held on Monday, July 9 at 12:30 p.m. Clothing exhibitors have the option of making or purchasing their garments. These members will also model their garments at the Fashion Revue. The Fashion Revue will be held Wednesday evening to share the hard work that this project can involve with the general public during the 4-H awards show at 5:00 p.m.


Well-known rabbit and poultry judge, Mike Wilson, will begin the rabbit and poultry shows with his expert evaluations at 5:00 p.m. on Monday afternoon in the livestock barn, using our new portable judging table, at the fairgrounds.

General Projects

The busiest day of the year in the world of White County 4-H begins at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 10, at the White County Fairgrounds. Members will bring in their general projects for conference-style judging. Members have worked a full year on everything from visual arts projects to photography projects to crops and woodworking. Registration for the day begins at 8:00 a.m. The show will be in the Floral Hall building at the White County Fairgrounds. The general project event is closed to the public until judging is complete.

Tractor-Driving Contest

This year the 4-H Tractor Driving Contest will be held Tuesday, July 10, at 4:00 p.m. at the White County Fairgrounds. White County 4-H would like to thank Wm. Nobbe Co. Inc. of Norris City for sponsoring this year’s tractor for the contest by providing a John Deere for the 4-H members to drive. Participants will compete in different ‘tractor agility’ courses at the fairgrounds.


Nearly 150 entries are scheduled to be judged Wednesday morning at the livestock barn. Swine, Beef, Dairy, Goats, and Sheep projects will all be judged Wednesday by class. This show usually takes most of the morning. Also, 4-H’ers showing sheep wethers will receive $10 from John Martin Williams Insurance Agency for each sheep whether they show. Donnie Seitz’s Lawn Service will sponsor a drawing of $50, $25, $15, and $10 to boys and girls showing sheep wethers at this year’s livestock show. All are gestures greatly appreciated by White County 4-H!

Awards Program

All 4-H members will be recognized at an awards program at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday evening at the floral hall. This year, First Mid-Illinois Bank and Trust will sponsor all the trophies and belt buckles earned by 4-H members throughout the week. Farm Credit Services is sponsoring the clean stall awards to four livestock members, as well.

Auction of Blue Ribbon Animals

The Annual 4-H Auction of Blue Ribbon Animals will be at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday evening, July 11. Businesses and individuals are encouraged to support the 4-H members as they further their agricultural endeavors. Money earned at the auction is often used by the members to purchase new stock, farm equipment and automobiles, or further their education after high school. A reception will be held an hour before the auction for you to socialize and meet the 4-H members that will be auctioning their

animal that evening. Returning as guest auctioneers and ring man are Rick Davis and George Johnson and Tricia Cunningham of Grayville serving as photographer.

Last year the blue ribbon auction brought in over $37,000. In addition to animals, plates of cookies, pies, and other baked goods are offered throughout the auction, so that buyers can support the 4-H program at all levels.

Carcass Contest

The carcass contest is going to be similar to last year’s event. Enfield Packing Plant will be very ‘packed’ on Friday, July 13 when White County 4-H members meet for the carcass contest at 2:00. The carcasses will be scored on ribeye/chop area, the rate of gain, marbling, and color. The contest is fully funded by Enfield Packing Plant.

One of the 4-H organization’s national slogans reads, “4-H is a community of young people across America who is learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills.” 4-H is a great asset to White County and the surrounding communities. These young people grow up here learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. These young people then reflect the values of White County. Let’s make a value of the White County 4-H program. We hope to see you at the 4-H Shows!