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White County 4-H Gift Garden holding summer classes in June and July

The White County 4-H GIFT Garden was buzzing Thursday morning with kids harvesting, planting, and pulling weeds. Summer classes began and will continue each Thursday in June and July starting at 9am till 11am. Any child age 5 and older can IMG_1123attend.
Come and have some fun with us! 4-H is currently taking new members, so if anyone is interested in joining a club, call the Extension office at 618-382-2662, or attend the next club meeting of your choice! If you are interested in 4-H workshops or would like to see what 4-H is doing throughout the year, take a look at our Facebook page by searching “White County Illinois 4-H”.

IMG_1125Be sure to “Like” our page so you don’t miss anything happening in White County. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, please contact Amy McCarty or Melissa Goin at 618-382-2662, University of Illinois Extension – White Co., 1715 College Ave., Carmi, IL 62821.