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Valentines for Veterans

Valentines for Veterans


Area residents are once again being asked by 15th District Congressman John Shimkus to participate in the Valentines for Heroes program.

Valentines will be collected at the congressman’s offices and then will be distributed to veterans throughout the region, and those currently serving in the military.


Valetines will be accepted at the district offices, including the Harrisburg office at city hall, until Feb. 8 and will then be distributed to local VA and military facilities prior to Valentine’s day.

You should present the signed valentines without a specific address; do not sign your last name, or include your return address. Do not seal the envelopes as the valentines will be reviewed prior to presentation to the veterans and military personnel.


Shimkus said tens of thousands of valentines have come into his office every year since starting the Valentines for Heroes program. Elementary and middle school classes, church youth groups, homeschoolers, senior citizens and others from every corner of the district have been overwhelmingly generous and supportive of our military men and women, past and present.