Back by popular demand, the Winter Hitting League is returning to The Rec at Rend Lake College this December to help baseball athletes improve in the off-season.
This year, the league will feature two age divisions: an 8 to 10-year-old division and an 11 to 14-year-old division, with ages based on the 2017 season. The eight-week season requires four-player teams to compete. Each game will last seven innings with a 40 minute time limit. All pitching will be out of a machine.
Athletes will compete during the mornings on Saturday, specifically from 8 a.m. to noon, with no competitions on Christmas Eve. Prizes will be awarded for the first place team.
Students can register now for the Winter Hitting League at $90 per athlete or $340 per team, which includes a T-shirt. Registration will end Friday, Nov. 18 with schedules sent to each player the following week.
For more details or to register, contact O’Daniel at (618) 437-5321, Ext. 7813 or Ext. 1279; or [email protected] .