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SIC Dean of Academic Services Addresses Kiwanis

Story and photo provided by Greg Grant of the Carmi Kiwanis Club

gina-sirach-kiwanisThe Carmi Kiwanis Club met on January 26. A large number attended, including seven Key Club members from Carmi-White County High School (CWCHS). Dave Johnson was the winner of the 50/50 drawing. President Jeremy Jordan announced the club will host their annual Pancake Day on Saturday, February 18, 7am-12:30pm, at Washington School Cafeteria. The public can purchase $4 tickets in advance from any Kiwanian, or $5 tickets at the door. All proceeds assist Carmi community charities.

Club member Dr. Frank Barbre introduced the presenter of the meeting, Ms. Gina Sirach, Executive Dean of Academic Services of Southeastern Illinois College (SIC). Dr. Barbre, the vice-chair of the board of trustees at SIC, said the college is “one of the best kept secrets in Southern Illinois.”

Ms. Sirach introduced her administrative assistant, Cara Lehman, who provided an SIC Viewbook to each club member. The tag line of the Viewbook was the theme of Ms. Sirach’s presentation, “Boundless Possibilities.”

New programs at SIC include a fast track certificate for Vet Assistant and an Ag Maintenance certificate for students wanting to improve skills required to work on today’s modern farm. The Ag Maintenance certificate will be a pilot program offered in the fall of 2017. Additionally, SIC was recently awarded a grant allowing the college to purchase two diesel training engines.

The popular Certified Nursing Assisting program remains one of SIC’s strongest programs at the Carmi campus. Strict state requirements for the CNA program have created administrative challenges, yet the college continues to exceed all requirements. A full nursing lab/simulator enhances the training CNA students receive.

Along with campuses in Harrisburg and Carmi, SIC also features distance learning opportunities. Face-to-face classes will never be replaced, but online education has become a popular and viable way to meet the needs of today’s students, from all walks of life, seeking to improve their lives.

SIC partners with local high schools offering dual-credit classes. CWCHS students who take dual-credit classes can graduate from high school with college credits that will transfer to the college of their choice. More than 375 scholarships are awarded annually, including academic, talent, athletic, and Foundation scholarships.

Ms. Sirach concluded by inviting anyone with interest in SIC to call for a tour of the campus. With more than one-thousand full-time and even more part-time students, SIC provides affordable, quality, and accessible educational opportunities. For more information about SIC, visit or call 618.252.5400 (ext 2245).