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Sen. Dale Righter: 215 new Illinois laws going into effect Jan. 1st

Laws taking effect January 1, 2018



1.       Bail Reform Act of 2017 and State RICO Extension (SB 2034/PA 100-0001):Grants a right to counsel at bail hearings, provides for mandatory bail re-hearings on nonviolent offenses, and provides that any bail set should be non-monetary and that the court should address the risk in the least restrictive way possible. Also extends state RICO Act (“Illinois Street Gang And Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organizations Law”) by five years. Expands existing law regarding threats to public officials.


2.       Mandatory Minimum Firearms/Drug Penalty Reductions (SB 1722/PA 100-0003): For five years, subjects repeat firearm offenders to presumptive sentencing at the higher range of existing sentencing laws unless the judge finds that a departure from the presumptive sentencing is warranted. Reduces the protected area for drug crimes from 1,000 to 500 feet, requires protected persons be present at the time, and requires prosecutors prove a connection between the crime and the protected area before a felony can be enhanced. Expands the eligibility for the Offender Initiative Program, Second Chance Probation and other drug probation programs as well as creates a five-year First Time Weapon Offender Diversion Pilot Program for offenders younger than 21. Expands eligibility of sentencing credits for inmates in the Department of Corrections. Increases access to educational, vocational and re-entry programming for individuals incarcerated for truth-in-sentencing offenses, allowing eligible individuals to reduce their sentence. Allows the Prisoner Review Board to terminate a person’s mandatory supervised release if that person is determined to be low-risk. Creates the Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force within the Department of State Police.


3.       Juvenile Justice Training (SB 1519/PA 100-0019): Removes specialized degree and experience requirements for Department of Juvenile Justice personnel who participate or assist in the rehabilitative and vocational training of delinquent youths.


4.       Tax Credits, Deductions and Other Changes (SB 9/PA 100-0022): Creates the State Tax Lien Registration Act to provide a uniform statewide system for filing notices of tax liens that are enforced by the Department. Creates the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (RUUPA), which is a complete repeal of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act and replaces it with the RUUPA. The bill contains new and revised definitions; rules on applicability; presumption of abandoned property; process to take custody of such property; reporting requirements; notice to property owner; custody guidelines; sale and administration of property; claims, liability, enforcement and remedies; agreements to locate property; transitional provisions; and fines and fee. Increases the Earned Income Tax Credit to 14 percent of the federal tax credit beginning Jan. 1, 2017, and then 18 percent of the federal tax credit beginning Jan. 1, 2018.Increases the Education Expense Credit to $750 for tax years ending on or after Dec. 31, 2017. Provides an income limit for taxpayers claiming this credit: $500,000 for joint filers and $250,000 for all other taxpayers.  Also implements an income limit for taxpayers claiming the standard deduction: $500,000 for joint filers and $250,000 for all other taxpayers. Begins Jan. 1, 2018.


5.       Unfit to Stand Trial Placement (HB 649/100-0027): Expedites transfers of inmates unfit to stand trial from county jails to the Department of Human Services mental health facilities. Gives DHS 20 days to tell sheriffs where to take inmates who are unfit to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity. If DHS fails to identify a mental health facility within 20 days, sheriffs can then put DHS on notice that they will take defendants to the nearest facility. The department would then have two days to provide an estimated date for admission to a facility.


6.       Breastfeeding Students (HB 2369/PA 100-0029): Requires public schools (including charters and Chicago Public Schools) to provide reasonable accommodations to a lactating student on a school campus to express breast milk, breastfeed an infant child or address other needs related to breastfeeding. Defines reasonable accommodations. Also provides that a lactating pupil must be provided a reasonable amount of time to accommodate her need to express milk or breastfeed her infant child. Schools are only required to provide these accommodations if there is a lactating pupil on campus and they may use an existing facility to meet the requirements of the legislation.


7.       DOC Video Visitation (HB 2738/PA 100-0030): States all Department of Corrections’ institutions and facilities must permit every committed person to receive in-person visitors and video contact, if available, except in cases of abuse of the visiting privilege or when the chief administrative officer determines that such visiting would be harmful or dangerous.


8.       Military Casualty Notification (HB 3017/PA 100-0033): Provides that in lieu of notice being provided by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, any other state or federal entity, agency, or person holding such information, may notify the Governor of the death by hostile fire of an Illinois resident member of the United States Armed Forces.


9.       Notice for Filing Complaint Against a Judge (HB 3054/PA 100-0034): States that court clerks must post in common areas of the courthouse a notice that a person may file a complaint against the judge, which will include contact information for the Judicial Inquiry Board.  The Judicial Inquiry Board will develop a statewide notice and format for each clerk.


10.   Home Kitchen Regulations (HB 3063/PA 100-0035): Seeks to address challenges facing farmers’ market vendors, and seeks to implement safe, fair, and consistent regulations throughout the state. With relation to farmers’ markets, in the Home Kitchen Operation section, provides baked goods and only high-acid fruit pies are allowed. Under the Cottage Food Operation section, removes a list of non-potentially hazardous foods allowed, and includes a list of prohibited foods. Adds a statement regarding safety to the cottage food operation application.


11.   Barack Obama Day (SB 55/PA 100-0037): Designates Aug. 4 of each year as Barack Obama Day.


12.   Cybersecurity Training for DoIT (HB 2371/PA 100-0040): Requires State employees under the Governor to annually undergo training by the Department of Innovation and Technology concerning cybersecurity, which includes phishing scams, spyware infections and identity theft, preventing and responding to data breaches. 


13.   Organ Donor Registry (HB 1805/PA 100-0041): Provides that the age of an individual who has the opportunity to have his or her name included in the First Person Consent organ and tissue donor registry to be 16 or older, rather than 18.


14.   Birth Record Fee (SB 1413/PA 100-0042): Waives the search fee for a birth record search, or an additional fee for a certified copy of the record, for people released on parole, mandatory supervised release, final discharge, or pardon.


15.   Snow Inconvenience Fees for Farmers (HB 1800/PA 100-0046): Allows county boards to pay increased inconvenience fees to farmers that allow farmable land to be used as snow breaks on highways.


16.   ISP Rank Removal (HB 1849/PA 100-0049): Removes ranks at Illinois State Police that no longer exist, including: Special Agent Sergeant, Special Agent Master Sergeant, Special Agent Lieutenant, Special Agent Captain, and Special Agent Major.


17.   Direct Care Staff Training (HB 2383/PA 100-0050): Provides a training program for direct care staff of residential facilities and day programs to administer medications under supervision of a registered nurse to give providers more flexibility in administering medication.


18.   Metal Beverage Containers (HB 2386/PA 100-0051): Authorizes any person to sell or offer to sell at retail any metal beverage container designed and constructed in such a manner that a part of the container is detachable in opening the container without the aid of a can opener if the part comprises substantially all of one of the ends of the metal beverage container.


19.   DCFS Daycare Database (HB 2388/PA 100-0052): Requires DCFS to establish and maintain a searchable database, freely accessible to the public, that provides information on whether, within the past five years, a day care home, group day care home, or day care center has had its license revoked or has surrendered its license during a child abuse investigation, or whether an application for renewal of a license was denied by the Department.


20.   Qualifying Territory for Annexation (HB 2407/PA 100-0053): Provides an exception to the requirement that annexed territory be contiguous to the municipality if the territory is separated only by a lake, river, or other waterway.


21.   License Plate Decal – Volunteerism (HB 2437/PA 100-0057): Allows for the issuance of volunteerism special license plate decals by the Illinois Department of Human Services. Provides for the original fee, renewal fees, and fee distribution for the volunteerism decals issued by the Illinois Department of Human Services.


22.   DHS Transfer Prohibition (HB 2474/PA 100-0059): Prohibits certain transfers from the DHS Recoveries Trust Fund that were required to be made prior to June 19, 2013. This is a response to audit findings relating to a fund transfer that is no longer required and, therefore, no longer performed.


23.   License Plate – Prostate Cancer (HB 2485/PA 100-0060): Creates the Prostate Cancer Awareness Fund as a special fund in the State Treasury. Allows for the issuance of decals by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Chicago. Provides for the original issuance fee will be $25, with $10 going to Prostate Cancer Awareness Fund and $15 to the Secretary of State. The renewal fee will be $25, with $23 going to Prostate Cancer Awareness Fund and $2 to the Secretary of State.


24.   Plant Material Sales (HB 2488/PA 100-0061): Allows the DNR to sell plants and plant materials from state-run nurseries to conservation groups for forest restoration and other conservation efforts.


25.   DCFS Work Group Permit (HB 2556/PA 100-0068): Removes the permanent “differential response program” date of July 1, 2016, from statute so that DCFS is able to convene an internal work group led by DCFS Division of Operations to formulate the most suitable implementation plan for the Differential Response Program.


26.   Tollway Intergovernmental Agreement (HB 2581/PA 100-0071): Provides that when the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority has built or will build grade separations or interchange improvements at intersections with any railroads, waterways, street railways, streets, thoroughfares, public roads, or highways intersected with the toll highways, the local highway agency or municipality with jurisdiction must enter into an agreement with the Authority for the ongoing maintenance of the structures.


27.   Notice Requirements (HB 2585/PA 100-0072): Gives local governments and school districts the ability to use a secular newspaper having general circulation within that government and school district in complying with notice requirements.


28.   License Plate – U.S. Coast Guard (HB 2595/PA 100-0073): Allows for the issuance of U.S. Coast Guard license plate. The original issuance fee will be $26, with $11 to the Illinois Veterans’ Homes Fund and $15 to the secretary of State Special Plate Fund. The renewal fee will be $26, with $24 to the Illinois Veterans’ Home Fund and $2 to the Secretary of State Special Plate Fund.


29.   Parental Rights for the Blind Act (HB 2626/PA 100-0075): Creates the Parental Rights for the Blind Act. Establishes that a person’s blindness shall not be the basis of 1.)A denial or restriction of parenting time or responsibilities; 2.) Denial of participation in adoption; 3.) Denial of foster care or guardianship. DCFS will develop and implement procedures that ensure and provide equal access to child welfare services and programs. The protections may extend to proceedings under the Juvenile Court Act.


30.   Persons with Disabilities Walking, Running, and Bike Paths (HB 2643/PA 100-0076): Adds to the definition of “pedestrian with a disability” a person who may require the use of a mobility device, service animal, or white cane to travel on the walking, running, or bicycle paths of this State. Provides that if the Governor takes public notice of Pedestrians with Disabilities Safety Day (Oct. 15) and issues a proclamation, he or she may discuss the history of laws protecting pedestrians with disabilities and may emphasize the need of all citizens to keep safe and functional for persons with disabilities the walking, running, or bicycle paths of this State.


31.   License Plate Decal – Horsemen (SB 52/PA 100-0078): Allows the Horsemen’s Council of Illinois to issue decals for the universal special license plates. Original issuance fee is $25, with $10 going to the Horsemen’s Council of Illinois Fund and $15 to the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. The renewal fee is $25, $23 of which going to the Horsemen’s Council of Illinois and $2 to the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. Amends the State Finance Act and creates the Horsemen’s Council of Illinois Fund.


32.   Notary Act (SB 265/PA 100-0081): Amends the Notary Act. Removes language regarding a notary’s signature from statute; provides references to “electronic communication” in sections concerning advertisements and notices; removes the sunset provision regarding the procedure for the rubber stamp seal and black ink from the “Official Seal and Signature” section of the statute and moves the language to the Certificate of Notarial Acts section of the statute; provides that notaries pubic shall not deliver a signed, blank form to another person with the intent that it be used as an affidavit or acknowledgement.


33.   Zoning Appeals (SB 731/PA 100-0083): Clarifies that when dealing with zoning board of appeals and the definition of a party of record, removes the language “in a municipality with a population of 500,000 or more inhabitant.” This is intended to prevent a private citizen who only signs in to testify or to attend a public zoning hearing from becoming a defendant in a subsequent case or appeal. As a result, party of record shall NOT be named as a defendant in a review of an zoning board decision if the party of record is a private citizen who was not acting in an official capacity, or whose participation in the zoning board of appeal proceeding was limited to attendance or testimony at a public hearing or submission of written comments to the agency.


34.   Returning Veterans’ Benefits Offerings (SB 866/PA 100-0084): Provides that the IDVA must give informational resources and education regarding service animals to veterans returning from deployment.


35.   Probate Act Children Born With Gametes as Heirs (SB 883/PA 100-0085):States that an inheritance of a child born by use of gametes is limited to children who fulfill the following requirements:  the dead parent’s gametes exist even if not an embryo at death; the child is born within 36 months of the parent’s death; the parent gives written consent; the dead parent has provided written consent for a child born with gametes; the administrator of the estate receives a written notice within six months of the parent’s death that state that the gametes exist, the person has intent to use the gametes, and the person has the intent to raise the child as their own.


36.   Youth in Care Reports (SB 973/PA 100-0087): Requires DCFS to submit annual reports to the General Assembly regarding youth in care waiting for placement. Beginning in 2018, on every Dec. 31 through 2023, reports are to provide specific details regarding the youth waiting for care during the previous year.


37.   Veteran Court Treatment (SB 1238/PA 100-0088): Provides that at the discretion of the Chief Judge, the Veterans and Service-members Court program may be operation in one or more counties in the Circuit, and allow veterans and service-member defendants from all counties within the Circuit to participate.


38.   Traveling Elephant Show Ban (SB 1342/PA 100-0090): Makes participation in traveling elephant shows a Class A misdemeanor.  Specifies that violations are subject to a civil penalty of no less than $500 and not more than $10,000 for each violation. The legislation does not apply to non-mobile exhibits, including zoos.


39.   Motor Vehicle Accident Reports (SB 1580/PA 100-0096): Removes provisions providing that a written motor vehicle accident report is privileged as to the Secretary of State and the Department of Transportation and shall be held confidential. As well as, provides that the Department may provide for in-depth investigations of accidents involving Department employees or other motor vehicle accidents.


40.   Spreading of Cremated Ashes (SB 1586/PA 100-0097): Adds to the definition of “scattering area” as property used for outdoor recreation or natural resource conservation owned by the Department of Natural Resources and designated as a scattering area.



41.   Non-Licensed Home Health Agency Referral Prohibition (SB 1676/PA 100-0099): Prohibits hospitals, nursing homes, and health care providers that receive State funds from referring a patient to any home health agency, home nursing agency or home services agency that is not licensed under the Home Health, Home Services, and Home Nursing Agency Licensing Act.


42.   Exemptions to Collateral Recovery Act (SB 1834/PA 100-0102): Clarifies existing law and expressly provides two exemptions from the Illinois Collateral Recovery Act for “vehicle auctioneers licensed under the Illinois Vehicle Code” and “forwarding companies.” Neither of these entities undertakes repossession of vehicles, so they are unable to comply with requirements under the law.


43.   Early Childhood Program-Expel (HB 2663/PA 100-0105): Prohibits daycare providers who receive state money or who are state-licensed from expelling children. Provides steps for planned transitions for children who exhibit persistent and serious challenging behavior.  Provides that planned transitions are not considered expulsions.


44.   Road District Consolidation (HB 607/PA 100-0106): Provides that no township road district may continue in existence if the roads forming a part of the district do not exceed a total of four centerline miles (rather than four miles) in length. Also, states that if a majority of the electors of a township board of trustees votes in favor of a proposition to abolish a road district in Cook County, the road district shall be abolished by operation of law effective Jan. 1 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the proposition was approved by the electors, or on the date the term of the highway commissioner in office at the time the proposition was approved by the electors expires, whichever is later.


45.   Local Government Consolidation (SB 3/PA 100-0107): Gives DuPage County powers to consolidate/abolish to all counties. Provides a consolidation process for multiple townships, merger of a single township with two others and discontinuance of a township within a coterminous township.


46.   Injured Police Dogs (HB 2661/PA 100-0108): Makes changes to the EMS Systems Act to allow emergency medical professionals to transport police dogs injured in the line of duty to a veterinary clinic, as long as there are no persons requiring medical attention or transport at that time.


47.   Corn as State Grain (HB 470/PA 100-0109): Names corn as the official State grain of Illinois.


48.   Police Trauma Training (HB 1895/PA 100-0121): Adds to the police training curriculum requirements, training in effective recognition and responses to stress, trauma, and post-traumatic stress experienced by police officers.


49.   Trapping Regulations (HB 2685/PA 100-0123): Cleans up language in the trapping regulations worked on by the Illinois Trappers Association and the Department of Natural Resources.


50.   Payroll Certifications (HB 2704/PA 100-0124): Amends the Personnel Code so that payroll certifications must be made by individual agency heads instead of the Director of Central Management Services.

51.   Prescription Monitoring Program (HB 2708/PA 100-0125): Authorizes certain Department of Children and Family Services employees to have access to the Prescription Monitoring Program database to assist in the investigations of child abuse and neglect.


52.   Radon Task Force Removal (HB 2719/PA 100-0126): Amends the Radon Resistant Construction Act; deletes reference to “Task Force on Radon Resistant Building Codes.”


53.   Recreational Trails Programs Funds (HB 2725/PA 100-0127): Provides that money received from the federal government under the Recreational Trails Program for grants or contracts obligated on or after Oct. 1, 2017, will not be considered for use as aid in construction of highways, and will be placed in the “Park and Conservation Fund.” Provides that the Department of Natural Resources may enter into agreements as necessary with the Federal Highway Administration, or any successor agency, for the purpose of authorizing projects under the federal Recreational Trails Program, provided that IDOT enter into an inter-agency agreement to closely coordinate the obligation of projects authorized by the Illinois Division Office of the Federal Highway Administration to maximize federal funding opportunities.


54.   Abolish Hazardous Materials Board (HB 2733/PA 100-0129): Abolishes the Hazardous Materials Advisory Board and makes conforming changes throughout the Act.


55.   Alternative Methods of Secondary School Credentials (HB 2740/PA 100-0130): States that high school equivalency certificates may be awarded through means other than the passage of a standardized assessment offered through a private vendor.


56.   Dual Enrollment Notice for Qualified Students (HB 2794/PA 100-0133):Provides that a school board shall require the school district’s high schools, if any, to inform all 11th-grade and 12th-grade students of dual enrollment and dual credit opportunities at public community colleges for qualified students.


57.   Notification of Job Opportunities to Youth (HB 2987/PA 100-0141): Requires a State agency with a job opening for an intern or student worker to notify the Department of Human Services, the Department of Juvenile Justice, and the Department of Children and Family Services. Requires DHS, DJJ, and DCFS to take steps to notify qualified applicants (those from foster care, homeless youth, or a court-involved youth) of the job opening.


58.   DOC Video Visitation (HB 2989/PA 100-0142): States the Department of Corrections may not restrict or limit in-person visits due to the availability of interactive video conferences.


59.   Department of Veterans’ Affairs (HB 3018/PA 100-0143): Technical change to amend statutory references of the “Illinois Veterans’ Commission” to the “Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs.” Ensures that the apostrophe in Veterans’ is included throughout the statutes.


60.   Military Economic Development Committee (HB 3032/PA 100-0144): Creates the Military Economic Development Committee from the former Interagency Military Base Support and Economic Development Committee. Gives the Committee specific parameters and makes various program improvements to ensure the Committee actually meets and is effective.


61.   Email Insurance Verification (HB 3045/PA 100-0145): Provides that an application for a certificate of title and vehicle registrations shall include, if available, a person’s email address. Provides that in preparation for selection of random samples for verification of a liability insurance policy, the Secretary of State may send to owners of randomly selected motor vehicles requests for information about their motor vehicles and liability insurance coverage electronically or, if electronic means are unavailable, via U.S. mail.


62.   Radioactive Waste Task Force Abolition (HB 3048/PA 100-0146): Abolishes the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Task Group and makes corresponding changes, including removing provisions concerning the adoption of criteria for selection of a site for a regional disposal facility.


63.   Average Daily Attendance (HB 3059/PA 100–0147): Requires school districts to report Average Daily Attendance data for each grade level served. Current law does not require grade-level data to be reported.


64.   Aggravated DUI Causing Death (HB 3084/PA 100-0149): Establishes that driving suspended or revoked based on an aggravated DUI that causes death is treated the same way for sentencing purposes as driving suspended or revoked based upon a reckless homicide.


65.   Emergency Services Loan Funds (HB 3108/PA 100-0152): Changes the Illinois Finance Authority Act and makes technical changes in sections about the fire truck revolving loan program, the fire station revolving loan program, and the ambulance revolving loan program. Also, provides that repayments of loans made under those programs (and interest made) may be retained by the Authority and used for the purposes for which they are authorized to be used. Raises loan limit for an ambulance to $200,000 (instead of $100,000) to more closely match current markets.


66.   School Absences (HB 3139/PA 100-0156): Mandates that beginning July 1, 2018, all schools receiving public funds must collect and review chronic absence data and determine what systems of support and resources are needed to engage the students and their families. Defines “chronic absence” as “absences that total 10 percent or more of school days of the most recent academic year.”  Includes with or without valid cause, and out-of-school suspensions.


67.   Restorative Justice Training for DJJ Personnel (HB 3165/PA 100-0157):Amends the Unified Code of Corrections to require “restorative justice” training of Department of Juvenile Justice personnel.


68.   Child Classification Reports (HB 3168/PA 100-0158): Ensures a child’s attorney or guardian ad litem receives all documents and reports from DCFS necessary to adequately represent the child by requiring that prior to classifying a report in the central register, the person making the classification must determine whether a child is the subject of a juvenile delinquency action with an open placement or intact family services case with DCFS, or the subject of an abuse, neglect, or dependent minor action. Establishes standards and requirements for transmitting the report to the attorney or guardian.


69.   12-month Semi-truck Safety Test (HB 3172/PA 100-0160): Provides that semi-trucks be subject to a safety test at an official testing station at least every 12 months (rather than six months as provided by current law). Provides savings of $35-$40 per vehicle per year, which would result in a loss of revenue for the State.


70.   Youth Transitional Housing (HB 3212/PA 100-0162): Amends the emancipation process allowing a youth to be placed in youth transitional housing without a court order. Removes language pertaining to homeless minors from provisions governing: purpose and policy; jurisdiction; rights and responsibilities of an emancipated minor; petitions; and hearings. Repeals the definition of “homeless minor” and “youth transitional housing program.”


71.   Feminine Hygiene Product Availability (HB 3215/PA 100-0163): Requires a school district to make feminine hygiene products available, at no cost to students, in the bathrooms of school buildings. This requirement also applies to charter schools and Chicago Public Schools.


72.   Electronic Cyberstalking (HB 3251/PA 100-0166): Expands the cyberstalking statute by prohibiting the electronic harassment of a person using spyware or electronic tracking software to transmit a threat of immediate or future bodily harm, sexual assault, confinement, or restraint toward that person or a family member of that person.

73.   Board of Higher Education Act (HB 3255/PA 100-0167): Removes obsolete language concerning members of the Board of Higher Education, a vocational education, and the Tuition and Fee Waiver Task Force. Also repeals a matching grant program to engineering colleges in Illinois, a State student cooperative work program, a feasibility study at Parks College, and a technology grant program.


74.   Commercial Fishing Device Restrictions (HB 3272/PA 100-0168): States that lake trout, salmon, and Lake Whitefish may not be taken using commercial fishing devices like gill or pound nets in order to clean up the statute.


75.   Commercial Fishing Licenses (HB 3273/PA 100-0169): Cleans up language in the Fish and Aquatic Life Code regarding commercial fishing licenses. Five licenses will still be available, but DNR must now advertise a public drawing for qualified applicants, which will determine ranking for a waiting list for unfilled licenses.


76.   Land Surveyor Act Changes (HB 3322/PA 100-0171): Changes references to “Land Surveyor-in-Training” to “Surveyor Intern” and makes conforming changes throughout the Act. Makes changes concerning the practices that constitute the practice of land surveying. Provides that IDFPR shall issue a license to a person who is a graduate of an approved land surveying curriculum of at least four years who has passed an examination in the fundamentals of surveying, as defined by rule, or is a graduate of a baccalaureate curriculum but has met certain requirements and passed an examination in the fundamentals of surveying, as defined by rule. Makes changes to the minimum standards for enrollment as a Surveyor Intern.


77.   Eviction Terminology Update (HB 3359/PA 100-0173): Changes references to “forcible entry and detainer actions” and “actions for possession” to references to “eviction actions” and “eviction orders.” Establishes that the Illinois Supreme Court must provide a standardized residential eviction order form to be used statewide.


78.   Entrepreneurial Skills (HB 3368/PA 100-0174): Provides that the Illinois State Board of Education must post resources regarding teaching entrepreneurial skills in secondary schools. States that the ISBE shall gather input from universities and business groups when developing the list of resources.


79.   High-Skilled Manufacturer (HB 3369/PA 100-0175): Requires ISBE to post resources on the teaching of high-skilled manufacturing to be used in high schools and vocational education programs.


80.   School Employee Investigation (HB 3394/PA 100-0176): Authorizes DCFS to recommend that a school district remove a school employee who is the subject of an investigation.


81.   Municipal Electric Power Act (HB 3396/PA 100-0177): Allows electric co-op type cities to sell their power in the wholesale markets such as PJM and MISO. This bill applies to cities that are NOT in ComEd, Ameren, or MidAmerican.


82.   Fire Chief Siren (HB 3469/PA 100-0182): Allows a vehicle operated by a fire chief, or the director or coordinator of a municipal or county emergency services and disaster agency, to be equipped with a siren, whistle, or bell capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 500 feet.


83.   Mental Health Council (HB 3502/PA 100-0184): Establishes an Advisory Council on Early Identification and Treatment of Mental Health Conditions to report on evidence-based best practices, identify barriers to statewide implementation of early identification and treatment, and reduce the stigma of mental health conditions.


84.   Real Estate Licensure (HB 3528/PA 100-0188): Consolidates the Real Estate Education Advisory Council with the Real Estate Administration and Disciplinary Board and transfers its functions to the Board. Merges all pre-license schools and continuing education license schools into one “education provider” license in their place. Provides that aspiring leasing agents who receive a 120-day permit to practice without a license to enroll in the required educational program within 60 days of obtaining the 120-day permit, and removes language that stated no individual will be allowed to work as a leasing agent more than a single time in that individual’s lifetime. Reinstates language that would allow IDFPR to establish continuing educational requirements for licensed leasing agents with advice and recommendations from the Real Estate Administration and Disciplinary Board, as well as stating that of the 15-member board, 12 are required to have been actively engaged as managing brokers or brokers or both for at least the 10 years prior to the appointment.


85.   Foster Children’s Rights (HB 3542/PA 100-0189): Adds to a list of rights provided to every child in foster care that children shall have the right to be placed in the least restrictive and most family-like setting available and in close proximity to his or her parents’ home, consistent with his or her health, safety, best interests, and special needs.


86.   STL District 189/Southwestern Illinois College Dual Credit (HB 3601/PA 100-0190): Allows East St. Louis School District 189 to encourage 11th-grade and 12th-grade students to take dual credit classes at Southwestern Illinois College at no cost to the student.


87.   Abused Child Reporting (HB 3615/PA 100-0191): Amends the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act and removes a section that permits teachers under investigation to confront their accuser. The current statute is in conflict with current case law, rule, and best practices for protecting the interests of the child.


88.   Reporting to Property Control Division (HB 3658/PA 100-0193): Changes the reporting requirement imposed on agencies to the Property Control Division at CMS. Increases the property value that triggers the reporting requirement from $500 (currently located in Administrative Rule) to $1,000. Allows the administrator to set a higher limit by rule. Also, nothing relieves the responsible officers of the duty to reasonably ensure that State property is not subject to theft, and physical inventory checks should only be made for more than a nominal value ($1,000 or less). Also requires the value of the item to reflect its depreciated value, as determined by the administrator.

89.   Food Handling Regulations and Enforcement (HB 3684/PA 100-0194):Provides any individual who has completed a minimum of eight hours of Department of Public Health-approved training shall be considered a certified food sanitation manager or certified food sanitation manger instructor. Removes provisions allowing DPH to charge a $35 fee for a certificate.  Removes provisions regarding recertification, reciprocity, and revocation of a certification.


90.   Educational Credit for Military Act (HB 3701/PA 100-0195): Creates the Educational Credit for Military Experience Act, which requires public universities and community colleges to establish a policy to award academic credits for corresponding military training.


91.   Counseling Minors (HB 3709/PA 100-0196): Authorizes providers who are counseling minors without parental consent to use their judgment and experience to continue or discontinue counseling the minor without parental consent. Increases the number of sessions a provider who is counseling a minor between the ages of 12 and 17, may provide without parental consent to eight 90-minutes sessions (rather than five 45-minutes sessions).


92.   Hate Crimes (HB 3711/PA 100-0197): Adds cyberstalking, transmission of obscene messages and certain acts of intimidation to the list of crimes that can be prosecuted as hate crimes to address the increasing use of technology to attack victims. Allows for the imposition of a new civil penalty up to $25,000 for each violation. Gives the Attorney General’s office civil enforcement authority.

93.   100-0198): Allows the Department of Corrections to provide educational and visitation opportunities to committed persons through temporary access to content-controlled tablets.


94.   Criminal Protective Orders (HB 3718/PA 100-0199): Revises and consolidates provisions regarding obtaining and issuing orders of protection, protective orders, and no contact orders.


95.   Vehicle Insurance Requirement (HB 3874/PA 100-0202): Reinforces that no person can operate, register, or maintain registration of a motor vehicle in Illinois unless the motor vehicle is covered by a liability insurance policy.


96.   Alternative Dispute Resolution (SB 67/PA 100-0205): Provides alternative dispute resolution for conflicts arising from family and domestic relations. Aggrieved parties may choose to resolve their dispute through this collaborative process. If they chose to do so, they will retain their respective attorney and these attorneys will communicate directly with each other in an attempt to reach a resolution.


97.   Service Pricing Fraud Protections (SB 298/PA 100-0207):  Provides that it is not an unfair business practice to charge different prices based entirely on time, difficulty, and market conditions as it relates to hair stylists, barbers, alterations, dry cleaners. Also, clarifies that the seller is liable under Section 7 of the Act, which is the only section that governs injunctive relief, restitution, and civil penalties.


98.   Pharmacist Administer Prenatal Injections (SB 317/PA 100-0208): Adds Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate, a prenatal care drug, to the list of injections a pharmacist may administer to a patient with a valid prescription from their doctor.


99.   Low-Speed Electric Bicycles (SB 396/PA 100-0209): Creates a three-tier system that defines low-speed electric bicycles based on motor capabilities. Removes low-speed electric bicycles from the section defining low-speed gas bicycles. Requires manufacturers and distributors to affix a label including classification, speed, and wattage information. Adds the regulation of low-speed electric bicycles and low-speed gas bicycles to the powers of local authorities.


100.                        Competitive Bidding Exceptions (SB 422/PA 100-0210): Provides competitive bidding exceptions for townships, establishing that contracts and purchases that by nature are not adopted to award competitive bidding are not subject to the competitive bidding requirements of the township code.


101.                        Dental Assistants Expanded Functions (SB 589/PA 100-0215):Allows a dental assistant to remove a loose, broken, or irritating orthodontic appliance to eliminate pain or discomfort. However, a dentist must approve and inspect the assistant’s work. Additionally, closes a loophole for dentists trained in foreign countries by requiring two years of graduate credit from an accredited institution.


102.                        Debt Owed to County Terms (SB 751/PA 100-0221): Includes unpaid non-real property taxes and fees as debt owed to a county under an enforcement of judgment, and shifts the additional costs incurred by having to go to a collection agency to the taxpayer instead of forcing the county to pay it. Applies to Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties. Currently, taxes and fees are not included under an enforcement of judgment.


103.                        Veterans’ Cancer Screenings (SB 838/PA 100-0224): Requires the Department of Public Health to conduct a program to promote the awareness of cancer in veterans, and creates a Veterans’ Cancer Screening Program within the Department. Requires the department to make their information public beginning Jan. 1, 2018.


104.                        Jury Exclusions Prohibited (SB 889/PA 100-0228): Provides that as unless otherwise specifically provided by statute, no person who is qualified and able to serve as a juror may be excluded from jury service on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, economic status.


105.                        Child Placement (SB 931/PA 100-0229): Clarifies that a shelter placement is meant to be an emergency temporary placement for a minor. Requires the public agency that is the guardian of the child to file a written report to the court when a shelter placement lasts beyond 30 days; a psychiatric hospital admission lasts beyond medical necessity; or a child remains in a detention center because placement cannot be found.


106.                        Nurse Anesthetists Grandfather Exemption (SB 1094/PA 100-0231): Extends to July 1, 2023, a grandfather exemption for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists for those licensed before master’s degrees were required.


107.                        Abandoned Housing Rehabilitation Plan (SB 1562/PA 100-0233):Amends the Abandoned Housing Rehabilitation Act by changing the definitions of “parties of interest” and “rehabilitation.” “Parties of interest” now include the applicable unit of local government where the property is located (currently, only owners of record, judgment creditor, tax purchaser, or those with title). “Rehabilitation” now includes ensuring the proposed improvements conform to a local government’s comprehensive plan or other planning policies and applicable units of local government’s licensing, and zoning code (currently only fire, housing, and building code).


108.                        Sexual Orientation in Applications (SB 1670/PA 100-0234):Provides an option for sexual orientation disclosure to be included on the application for Governor Appointments.


109.                        Asthma in School Health Examinations (SB 1846/PA 100-0238):Requires the Department of Public health to promulgate rules and procedures to include asthma in the standard school health examination. Adds asthma to this list of illnesses for which the Department of Public Health must collect and maintain statistical data.


110.                        Consumer Statements Protection (SB 1898/PA 100-0240):Provides that it is an unlawful business practice to include in a contract, proposed contract for the sale or lease of consumer goods or services (retail level transactions), any provision requiring the consumer to waive his or her right to make any statement regarding the consumer’s experience with the business. Seeks to protect consumers from unknowingly giving up their freedom to speak freely about their online retail experiences, and prevent them from being intimidated or penalized for doing so.


111.                        Non-School Related School Bus Use (SB 2028/PA 100-0241):Requires each school bus used by a public or private school transporting students enrolled in grade 12 or below for a school-related athletic event or other school-approved extracurricular activity, to have the required registration plates, permits, and liability insurance. School buses that operate under these requirements may be used for the transportation of passengers for reasons that do not involve the educational institution, if the school bus driver or owner complies with stop arm requirements for non-school related transporting and the “school bus” sign is either removed or obscured.


112.                        DCEO Unfunded Mandates Report (SB 2066/PA 100-0242):Provides that DCEO must also include a statewide cost of compliance estimate in its catalog of State Mandates to the Governor and General Assembly.


113.                        Military License Plate Reclassification (HB 374/PA 100-0246):Provides that any individual who has a military special license plate may re-class their plate upon acquiring a new registration without a replacement fee of registration cost. Available beginning in the 2019 registration year.


114.                        Crisis Intervention Team Training (HB 375/PA 100-0247):Requires the Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board to create an introductory course to provide all police with an awareness of mental illness issues. This would include history of mental health systems; types of the illness including systems; medications; and the potential interactions law enforcement officers may have with sufferers and their families. Adds mental health awareness and response to minimum in-service training requirements.


115.                        Comptroller Disclosures for State Employees (HB 623/PA 100-0253): Specifies that employees’ salaries disclosed in the Comptroller’s Annual Report shall be rounded to the nearest hundredth dollar. Requires the “Online Ledger” to be rounded to the nearest hundredth dollar for any previous year or monthly salary. Permits the Comptroller to list the unadjusted total salary amount paid to an employee for any previous year prior the rounded salary.


116.                        Aquatic Dealer License Expiration (HB 2028/PA 100-0256):States that non-resident and resident aquatic life dealer licenses, wholesale aquatic life dealer licenses, mussel dealer permits, minnow dealer licenses, taxidermist licenses, aquaculture permits, commercial roe dealer permits, and daily fee fishing area licenses shall all expire on March 31 of each year.


117.                        Dry Hydrant (HB 2382/PA 100-0259): Defines “dry hydrant” as a fire hydrant that is installed to provide access to water from a lake, pond, or other body of water rather than water from a public or private water supply system.


118.                        Hate Crimes (HB 2390/PA 100-0260): Removes the cap on restitution for a hate crime committed in or causing damage to a place of worship. Requires offenders to perform at least 200 hours of public or community service plus enroll in an educational program discouraging hate crimes as a condition of probation or conditional discharge for a hate crime.


119.                        Credit for Prior Learning (HB 2404/PA 100-0261): Requires each public university and community college shall submit its policies and procedures for students to earn credit for prior learning to the Board of Higher Education for review and approval.


120.                        Contract Termination (HB 2449/PA 100-0264): States that any person or service member who enters military service may, at any time after receiving military orders to relocate for a period of service of at least 90 days, terminate or suspend certain specified contracts for service.


121.                        Residential Mortgages (HB 2965/PA 100-0268): States that when a mortgagor is in arrears for more than one month, a mortgagee can’t refuse whole month payments by the mortgagor. These payments will be applied to the unpaid balance. This doesn’t prevent the mortgagee from exercising its rights under the mortgage or to change the obligations of the mortgagor.


122.                        Security Deposit Return (HB 3001/PA 100-0269): Provides for specific notice requirements from lessor to lessee regarding disposition of security deposits. The lessor must –

in person or by postmarked mail – deliver receipts or costs of repairs. If the lessor cannot produce necessary receipts, then an itemized list along with any other evidence and a verified statement can be produced evidencing repair costs. If a written lease provides specific costs for repair, replacement, or cleaning, the lessor may withhold the specific amount with provision of itemized statement.

123.                        Sale of Vehicle Protection Product Exemption (HB 3072/PA 100-0272): Amends the definition of “vehicle protection product” to include protective chemicals and substances and exclude fuel additives, oil additives, or other chemical products applied to the engine, transmission, or fuel system of a motor vehicle. Provides that no vehicle protection products sold or offered for sale in the State shall be subject to the provisions of the Code or the Service Contract Act unless offered as a service contract under the terms of the Service Contract Act.


124.                        Part-Time Government Officials (HB 3122/PA 100-0274): Provides that a person who holds part-time elected or appointed office as a member of a governing body is not a participating employee in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund unless they were elected to office before the effective date of the act and chose to become a contributor. Also, provides that an office as a member of a governing body shall be deemed to be part-time if the performance of their duty takes less than 1,000 hours per year.


125.                        DHS Program Participant Demographics (HB 3131/PA 100-0275):Requires DHS to collect and publically report statistical data on the racial and ethnic demographics of program participants for each program administered by the Department.


126.                        School Bus Sale (HB 3293/PA 100-0277): States that whenever a school district, religious organization, vendor of school buses, or a school bus company whose main source of income is contracting with a school district or religious organization for the provision of transportation services in connection with the activities of a school district or religious organization, discards through either sale or donation, a school bus to an individual or entity, the recipient of the school bus shall be responsible for immediately removing, covering, or concealing the “SCHOOL BUS” signs and any other insignia or words indicating the vehicle is a school bus, rendering inoperable or removing entirely the stop signal arm and flashing signal system, and painting the bus a color different from those required under the Vehicle Code.


127.                        Participation in Gang Activity (HB 3803/PA 100-0279): Changes the offense of unlawful contact with street gang members to unlawful participation in street gang-related activity. Requires that a parolee be engaged in a crime or other street gang-related activity before they can be arrested and prosecuted for unlawful contact with street gang members.


128.                        EMS-Controlled Substances (HB 3910/PA 100-0280): Provides that emergency medical services personnel may administer Schedule II, III, IV, or V controlled substances to a person in the scope of their employment without a written, electronic, or oral prescription of a prescriber.


129.                        Immediate Sealing of Records (HB 514/PA 100-0282): States that records of charges that result in an acquittal or dismissal with prejudice, except for minor traffic offenses, may be immediately sealed after the final disposition of the case. Upon entry of judgment, the defendant shall be informed of this right and the proper procedures to follow to have records that are eligible be immediately sealed.



130.                        Juvenile Expungement Expansion (HB 3817/PA 100-0285):Automatically expunges records related to juvenile delinquency findings two years after the case is closed. Excludes homicides, felony sex offenses, certain bodily harm offenses, forcible felonies other than burglary, and weapons offenses. Applies to burglary, misdemeanor sex offenses, felony and misdemeanor drug offenses, and misdemeanor domestic battery.  States that juvenile adjudications (convictions) that are not eligible for the expanded automatic expungement can now be expunged sooner by petitioning the court two years (rather than five years) after the case is closed; first-degree murder or sex offenses requiring registration are excluded.


131.                        Non-Medical Licensee Restrictions (SB 1688/PA 100-0286): Eases restrictions on non-medical licensees or applicants after felony convictions. Also, deletes Section 13 of the Criminal Identification Act, reworks tracking requirements to exclude renewal licensing data, and restores the disciplinary record expungement application fee but reduces it from $200 to $175.


132.                        Personal Jurisdiction Contest (HB 188/PA 100-0291): Amends the Code of Civil Procedure to clarify objections to personal jurisdiction before any other pleading or motion, and any motion objecting to the court’s jurisdiction must be filed within 60 days. However, if a party files a Section 2-1301, Section 2-1401, or Section 2-1041.1 motion, the objection to the court’s personal jurisdiction is not waived.



133.                        Common Interest Community Associations and Condos (HB 189/PA 100-0292): Amends the Common Interest Community Association Act & the Condo Act to state that if a lienholder or mortgagee is required to provide approval for an amendment to a community instrument, they will be recorded as consenting if they do not respond within 60 days. Requires notice of the amendment must be sent by certified mail. States that an association with 100 or more units must use Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in fulfilling any accounting obligations. Provides that a condo board that experiences a surplus at the end of the fiscal year may use the surplus in certain way. If a condo board experiences a deficit at the end of the fiscal year, the board may roll the deficit over into the next year’s budget. Provides that unit owners may object and offer other options. Association by-laws must allow 21 (rather than 14) days for unit owners to submit a written petition objecting to a board decision. Makes conforming changes to similar sections of the Act. Association boards must maintain unit owner information that includes email addresses and telephone numbers (in addition to, names, addresses, and weighted votes). Owner information and ballot information may not be used for “commercial purposes.” Provides a definition of “commercial purposes.” Deletes language referring to “proper purpose” for such records. Associations must provide requested documents to members within 10 days (rather than 30 days) of request. Removes the burden of proof from the member to prove why they are entitled to requested records. Removes the requirement that boards charge for copies of records and makes it permissive. States that in combining units and amended plats to allow for additional exclusive use of common areas adjacent to the combined unit, such exclusive right is not a diminution of the ownership interests of other unit owners.


134.                        Nursing Home Residents ID Bracelets (HB 223/PA 100-0293):Gives authority to physicians to provide any resident with an identification wristlet. The resident’s clinical record should physically document the need for the wristlet. Also authorizes facilities to require residents residing in an Alzheimer’s disease unit with a history of wandering to wear an identification wristlet. It allows a resident’s guardian or attorney to deny the facility from requiring the wristlet.


135.                        Regional Superintendents (HB 425/PA 100-0294): Makes changes to ensure that the salaries of the executive directors (and assistant executive directors) of the three Cook County Intermediate Service Centers are in line with those of regional superintendents and assistant regional superintendents.


136.                        Publishing of Public Questions (HB 512/PA 100-0298): Provides that public questions must be published not more than 60 (rather than 30) days and not less than 10 days before the election.


137.                        Reviews of Community Reinvestment Act (HB 823/PA 100-0304): Provides that the IDFPR shall review the federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluations of State-chartered banks to ensure they are making efforts to meet the credit needs of the communities in which they serve, including low-income and moderate-income neighborhoods. The IDFPR may electronically publish an annual report to provide the CRA performance evaluations of State-chartered banks.


138.                        Hospital “Do-Not-Admit” List Prohibition (HB 2762/PA 100-0306):Prohibits hospitals from maintaining a list of individuals that may not be admitted for treatment at the hospital. The prohibition does not prevent a hospital’s medical staff from recommending an alternate provider, coordinating an appropriate transfer, or arranging access to care services that best meets the needs of an individual patient.


139.                        CJIA Inventory (HB 3879/PA 100-0307): Provides that the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority may conduct an inventory of law enforcement agencies, county sheriff offices, clerks of the circuit court, or circuit clerks in Illinois that operate using a predominately paper system.


140.                        Veterans’ Death Certificates (SB 1693/PA 100-0310): Provides that a death certificate of an individual with military service may include or may be amended to include the deceased’s veteran status, military branch, and period of time the individual served.


141.                        Rental Car Damage Fees (SB 1730/PA 100-0312): Repeals the statutory limit on the amount a rental car company can charge per day for a damage waiver.


142.                        Construction/Demolition Debris (SB 1807/PA 100-0316): Allows construction/demolition debris haulers to operate without fear of violating contracts cities currently have with their waste haulers by prohibiting any municipality from entering into a contract or franchise with a private entity that includes general construction or demolition debris. This prohibition does not apply to the renewal or extension of any currently existing contracts regardless of whether the contract automatically renews, is amended, or is subject to a new request for proposal.


143.                        Telehealth Act (SB 1811/PA 100-0317): Creates the Telehealth Act which authorizes licensed health care professionals in Illinois to practice telehealth services. Clarifies that telehealth services are limited to the professionals’ scope of practice under their licenses, and that telehealth services are to be provided under the same standard of care as in-person services. Additionally, amends the Medical Practice Act to clarify that telemedicine (telehealth) can be practiced in the state of Illinois and clarifies that physicians can provide services to existing patients while either the physicians or patients are traveling.


144.                        Research Dogs and Cats Adoption Act (SB 1884/PA 100-0323):Creates the Research Dogs and Cats Adoption Act, providing that after the completion of any research involving a dog or cat a research facility shall access the health of the dog or cat to determine whether it is ready for adoption and make reasonable efforts to adopt out suitable animals.


145.                        Volunteer EMS/Firefighters (SB 1895/PA 100-0324): Provides that volunteer emergency workers may respond to emergency phone calls or text messages so long as they’re acting in their capacity as a volunteer emergency worker.


146.                        Hypodermic Syringes Purchase (SB 1944/PA 100-0326):  Allows people to have in his or her possession up to 100 syringes or needles, instead of 20. With that, it allows pharmacists to sell up to 100 sterile syringes or needles. Removes the requirement for DPH to develop and provide educational materials to pharmacists to make available to people who purchase syringes or needles. Allows pharmacists to prescribe syringes or needles upon oral or electronic order, instead of just upon an oral order.


147.                        Angel Investment Credit (SB 2012/PA 100-0328): Provides an extension for the angel investment credit until Dec. 31, 2021. Makes several changes to the credit, including creating a minimum investment threshold, changing reporting requirements, earmarking amounts to be awarded to female, minority, persons with a disability owned businesses, or businesses located in smaller counties. The angel investment program is a critical tool for entrepreneurs and start-up businesses in Illinois; angel investment tax credits are given in the amount of 25 percent of the claimant’s investment directly in a qualified new business venture, both the claimant and the business venture must be registered and/or approved by the DCEO.


148.                        Food Handling Safety (SB 2057/PA 100-0330): Provides that a county health department or unit of local government may not regulate the preparing/serving of food private in residential leaseholds. Exempts Chicago.


149.                        School Police Job Training Program (HB 243/PA 100-0331):Creates Police Training Academy Job Training program with high schools in counties with 175,000 or more inhabitants in partnership with a local law enforcement.


150.                        IDOT Mobilization Payments (HB 284/PA 100-0333): Provides that when the IDOT enters into a contract that provides for mobilization payments and the contractor is using the services of a subcontractor, the subcontract must include terms requiring mobilization payments be made to the subcontractor. Includes a schedule of mobilization payments based on the initial value of the subcontract. Provisions concerning mobilization payments only apply to contracts entered into by IDOT.


151.                        MWRD Nutrient Trading Programs (HB 659/PA 100-0341):Authorizes the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District to participate in any nutrient trading programs in Illinois, which are market-based programs that involve the exchange of pollution allocations between sources.


152.                        Meningococcal Disease Brochure (HB 679/PA 100-0342):Requires the Department of Public Health to develop an informational brochure relating to meningococcal disease. Requires the Department to notify specific entities of the existence of this brochure.


153.                        Semi-Trailer Lengths (HB 683/PA 100-0343): Changes the maximum semi-trailer length on all non-state highways from 55 to 65 feet. Sets the kingpin real axle length longer than 48 feet limit to 42 feet 6 inches. Removes the 55 feet overall wheel base limitation on other state highways and class III routes. Allows the state or unit of local government to seek recovery for the cost of repair from damages as a result of a semi-trailer combination exceeding 55 feet. The state or local governments are not required to widen or alter highways constructed before the effective date of this legislation.


154.                        Test-Drive with Vehicle Sign (HB 733/PA 100-0346): Prohibits a new or used auto dealer from allowing a person to leave their lot with a vehicle with sign, decals, paperwork, or other material that could block a driver’s vision. A person found guilty of this will be fined between $50 and $500 for a first-time offense and guilty of a Class C misdemeanor for a second or subsequent violation.


155.                        Public Aid Client Small Business Loans  (HB 736/PA 100-0347): Allows the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to establish a small-business grant program for public aid recipients who are interested in developing a new start-up business.


156.                        Fire Protection District Special Tax (HB 743/PA 100-0348):Provides clarity to the section regarding levying a special tax for the purposes of obtaining funds to pay for the costs of emergency and rescue crews and equipment.


157.                        State Group Health Adoption Definition (HB 817/PA 100-0355):Defines the term “placement for adoption” under the State Employees Group Insurance Act, and for the purpose of “dependent” when that term is used in the context of the health and life plan. Makes conforming changes. Provides employer MAY make a Health Saving Account available to their employee. Removes language mandating amount employer must match.


158.                        Human Trafficking in CDL Curriculum (HB 1677/PA 100-0357):Requires that the Secretary of State must include in its commercial driver’s license curriculum and study guide information on the human trafficking problem in Illinois.


159.                        State’s Attorney Access Funds to Investigate Crime (HB 1685/PA 100-0358): Amends the Insurance Claims Fraud Prevention Act to provide that a State’s Attorney can access funds not awarded to a private party to investigate “crime” (currently “insurance fraud”).


160.                        Passing a Bicycle (HB 1784/PA 100-0359): States that a driver of a motor vehicle may overtake and pass to the left of a bicycle proceeding in the same direction on a portion of a highway designated as a no-passing zone when: (1) the bicycle is traveling at a speed of less than half of the posted speed limit of the highway; (2) the driver is able to overtake and pass the bicycle without exceeding the posted speed limit of the highway; and (3) there is sufficient distance to the left of the centerline of the highway for the motor vehicle to meet the overtaking and passing requirements in the Code. Also allows any person operating a bicycle or motorized pedal cycle to use the shoulder of a roadway. Allows that the rear of a bicycle may be equipped with a lamp emitting a steady or flashing red light (rather than only a red light) visible from a distance of 500 feet in addition to or instead of a red reflector (rather than in addition to a red reflector).


161.                        Birth Certificate Changes (HB 1785/PA 100-0360): Provide changes concerning the issuance of new birth certificates for those who have undergone gender transition treatment. In order for a person to change their sex designation on their birth certificate, a licensed health care professional or licensed mental health professional must make a declaration concerning the treatment. Requires that the licensed health care professional or licensed mental health professional sign and date a specified document. Provides that following the issuance of a new birth certificate, the individual may request the original certificate and evidence of adoption, paternity, legitimation, or change of sex designation for inspection or certification purposes.


162.                        Gifted Education School Report Cards (HB 2461/PA 100-0364):Changes the data that must be added to school report cards to include the most current data being collected and maintained, so they can include it without having to wait until the data is possessed. Requires the addition of information about gifted education and advanced programs, as well as information on the number of teachers who hold a gifted educator endorsement.


163.                        Fire Truck Exemption (HB 2492/PA 100-0366): Provides the provisions in law governing size, weight, and load of vehicles does not apply to fire apparatus, and authorized emergency vehicles owned and operated by governmental bodies or non-for-profit fire protection service organization or agency. It also removes a provision providing that an emergency vehicle may not exceed 86,000 pounds gross weight or other listed weights. Provides that this bill does not apply to Class I highways.


164.                        Synthetic Drugs (HB 2534/PA 100-0368): Adds synthetic drugs and cannabinoids to the list of Schedule I controlled substances. Adds other substances to the Schedule II list of controlled substances and lists all hydrocodone derivatives as Schedule II controlled substances.


165.                        Name Change Petition (HB 2559/PA 100-0370): States that if the Court grants a name change to person arrested, adjudicated, or convicted of an offense, a copy of the order, including each applicable access and review response, must be forwarded to the Illinois State Police, which must update any criminal history transcript or offender registration, as well as the former name.


166.                        Electronic Verification of Car Insurance (HB 2610/PA 100-0373):Provides SOS the ability to create an electronic verification program for mandatory liability insurance for motor vehicles. Amends the Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act to provide up to 75 percent of every dollar collected for the first year and then up to 50 percent of every dollar afterward goes to the Secretary of State to create, implement, and maintain an electronic verification program of mandatory liability insurance. No new fee is created. The Secretary shall verify insurance coverage at least twice per calendar year and, if unable to verify coverage, the Secretary must provide the vehicle owner written notice allowing the owner 30 calendar days to provide proof of insurance.


167.                        Subcontractor Pay (HB 2664/PA 100-0376): Requires contractors to pay each subcontractor whenever the contractor receives a payment. Provides if a contractor is assessed liquidated damages by the State, the contractor is still responsible to each subcontractor under the subcontracts. For contracts with the Department of Transportation, provides that if a contractor is assessed a liquidated damages penalty equal to or exceeding the total amount of the contract and the contractor is unable to pay its subcontractors, the DoT shall verify completion of the work performed by the subcontractor and, upon successful verification, pay the subcontractor the amount owed on the subcontract with the contractor.


168.                        Consent To Medical Care | Chiropractors/Optometrists (HB 2700/PA 100-0378): Clarifies chiropractic physicians’ and licensed optometrists’ rights and responsibilities and that the consent protections currently provided to minors under the Consent by Minors to Medical Procedures Act apply to the performance of health care services by chiropractic physicians and licensed optometrists.


169.                        Official State Exercise (HB 2895/PA 100-0383): Designates cycling as the official State exercise of Illinois.


170.                        Inmate Training Dogs for PTSD Veterans (HB 2897/PA 100-0384): Allows the Helping Paws Service Dog Program to train dogs for veterans with PTSD and depressions. A non-profit service dog training program is to train committed persons at IDOC to train service dogs for the purpose of helping veterans with PTSD and depression.


171.                        Telehealth Services Healthcare Provider (HB 2907/PA 100-0385): Eliminates the Medicaid requirement that healthcare providers be present in the room with a patient while receiving tele-health psychiatry services.


172.                        Preexisting Condition Coverage Mandate (HB 2959/PA 100-0386): Provides that no policy of individual or group accident and health insurance issued, amended, delivered, or renewed on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act, may impose any preexisting condition exclusion with respect to that plan or coverage. Supplemental polices are exempted from this mandate.


173.                        Domestic Violence Cell Phones (SB 57/PA 100-0388): Allows victims of domestic violence to petition a court to keep their current wireless phone and phone number by petitioning a court to separate a shared wireless service plan without approval from the primary account holder. Under the terms of the bill, the petitioner assumes all financial responsibility for their cell phone after that.


174.                        Esther Golar Day (SB 282/PA 100-0393): Designates April 16 of each year as Esther Golar Day to remember the accomplishments of State Representative Esther Golar and to honor her legacy of public service.


175.                        Mammogram Coverage (SB 314/PA 100-0395): Provides that insurers must provide coverage for breast MRI if a mammogram demonstrates heterogeneous or dense breast tissue (when medically necessary).


176.                        Genetic Information Privacy (SB 318/PA 100-0396): Provides an employer shall not penalize an employee who does not disclose his or her genetic information or does not choose to participate in a program requiring disclosure of the employee’s genetic information.


177.                        Child Death Review Team (SB 320/PA 100-0397): Removes references to the Child Death Review Team pilot programs. Includes a representative from the Illinois Department of Public Health to the CDRT.


178.                        Chicago Ag Science School (SB 447/PA 100-0399): Allows the Chicago Board of Education to enroll an additional 80 students into the agriculture science school for diverse learners.


179.                        Drug-Induced Homicide Charge (SB 639/PA 100-0404): Allows Illinois prosecutors to charge someone with drug-induced homicide even when the delivery of the drugs to the victim, which resulted in the victim’s death, occurred outside the state.


180.                        Control Funds for Feral Cats (SB 641/PA 100-0405): Changes theAnimal Control Act by allowing a county animal population control fund to be used to support feral cat spay, neuter, and vaccinate programs that are recognized by the county or municipality. Exempts Cook County.


181.                        Domestic Violence Program for Abuse and Neglect (SB 646/PA 100-0406): Authorizes the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to implement a five-year domestic violence co-location pilot program in which certified domestic violence advocates who are trained in domestic violence services, and employed through a certified domestic violence provider, are assigned to work in a DCFS field office with child welfare investigators of domestic violence.


182.                        Child Abuse Hotline (SB 764/PA 100-0413): States that DCFS may, in cooperation with school officials, distribute appropriate materials in school buildings listing the child abuse hotline number to be displayed in a clearly visible location in each school building. Applies to all regular public schools, all public charter schools and Chicago Public Schools.


183.                        Film Production and Live Theatre Tax Credit (SB 852/PA 100-0415): Extends the Film Production and Live Theater tax credit programs until Jan. 1, 2022.


184.                        Rent-to-Own Contract (SB 885/PA 100-0416): Attempts to regulate rent-to-own contracts for real property by requiring a written contract that must allocate the amount of monthly payment to be used for rent, principal, interest, taxes, insurance and other costs; requiring a buyer be provided with amortization schedule prior to closing and every year; requiring the contract be recorded; establishing a structure for defining which party is responsible for repairs, real estate taxes and insurance. Only applies to sellers who enter into more than three installment contracts in any 12-month period.


185.                        Companion Animals and Divorce (SB 1261/PA 100-0422): States that in cases of divorce, the court shall allocate the sole or joint ownership or responsibility for a companion animal of the parties. In making this custody determination, the court shall take into consideration the well-being of the companion animal. Establishes other guidelines with regard to consideration of pets in divorce proceedings. Also, establishes that “companion animal” does not include a service animal, which is an animal trained in obedience and task skills to meet the needs of a person with a disability. A companion animal is one commonly considered by the owner to be a pet.

186.                        Annual Supplier Diversity Report (SB 1267/PA 100-0423): Allows all Class I railroad companies to submit an annual supplier diversity report by April 15 of each year to the Illinois Commerce Commission. Requires the Illinois Commerce Commission to hold an annual workshop open to the public on the state of railroad supplier diversity.


187.                        Mental Fitness Report to the Courts (SB 1276/PA 100-0424):Changes the reporting period for individuals adjudicated Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity from every 60 days to every 90 days to greatly reduce administrative burden and allow resources to be focused elsewhere.


188.                        Veterans Court (SB 1312/PA 100-0426): Provides that a defendant may be admitted into a Veterans and Service Members Court program post-adjudication only with the approval of the court. Also aligns veterans’ courts and mental health courts, no longer requiring the defendant to have the agreement of the prosecutor to participate in the programs. Removes provisions that a person may be admitted into a Veterans and Service Members Court program or a mental health court program only upon the agreement of the prosecutor.


189.                        Adult Guardianship Video Conferencing (SB 1319/PA 100-0427):Provides that if a person is unable to attend in person for adult guardianship proceedings, the judge can decide to hold the hearing at a place that is convenient. The judge can also follow the Illinois Supreme Court rule, or the local rules, and decide if a video conference is appropriate. Any circuit court may adopt rules that are consistent with the rules of the Illinois Supreme Court for video conferencing in a hearing under state law. No rule will preclude a party from seeking the presentation of testimony under state law.


190.                        Traveling to Meet a Child (SB 1321/PA 100-0428): Changes the name of the offense of traveling to meet a minor to traveling to meet a child, to conform to the definition of “child” in related sex offenses. Makes corresponding changes to the definition of “child” in the grooming offense.


191.                        Burden of Proof (SB 1422/PA 100-0434): Provides that the prosecution will not be required to prove at trial facts that extend the general limitations or establish periods excluded from the general limitations, when the facts supporting extension of or the exclusion from the period of general limitations are properly pled in the charging document.


192.                        Rental Tax (SB 1434/PA 100-0437): Provides a tax will be imposed at the rate of 6.25 percent on businesses engaged in renting merchandise under a rental-purchase agreement. Also provides a tax will be imposed at the rate of 6.25 percent on the privilege of using merchandise that is rented from a merchant.


193.                        Missing Child Reporting (SB 1439/PA 100-0438): Provides that at the time of first contact with an individual making a report of a missing child who is younger than 18, the local law enforcement agency shall provide the individual with information, prepared by the Office of the Attorney General and posted on its website.


194.                        Radiologic Technologist Accreditation Advisory Board (SB 1478/PA 100-0441): Abolishes the Radiologic Technologist Accreditation Advisory Board. The Advisory Board hasn’t met since 2010.


195.                        IEMA Conference Fees (SB 1489/PA 100-0444): Allows the Illinois Emergency Management Agency to assess and collect reasonable fees for attendance at Agency-sponsored conferences and trainings.


196.                        Forest Preserve Districts (SB 1493/PA 100-0445): Provides forest preserve districts can abate property taxes on certain property it acquires.


197.                        Farm Nuisance Suits and Horses (SB 1529/PA 100-0447): Adds the action of “keeping” livestock to the definition of the term “farm” in the Farm Nuisance Suit Act. Adds “horse keeping” and “horse breeding” to the activities included under the definition of the term “farm” in the nuisance suits brought by new neighbors to the farm


198.                        Long-Term Care Claims (SB 1544/PA 100-0449): Requires HFS to maintain a list of the status of applications, denials, appeals, and redeterminations, including the number of pending applications and redeterminations denied for failure to submit the required documentation.


199.                        Updates Certificate of Title, Reclassification, Bond (SB 1556/PA 100-0450): Makes changes and updates statutes in following areas: junk vehicle, remittance agent, certificate of title, out-of-state title, reclassification, bond, failure to obtain dealer’s license, renting motor vehicle. Also, lengthens the required number of months a new or used auto dealer must be in compliance with the bond or certificate of deposit requirement from 36 to 60 months before they can become exempt from the requirement. The 60 months must occur after the effective date of this legislation. Removes the requirement that each certificate of title issued by the Secretary of State shall contain an expiration date of two calendar years after the end of the term of the lien.


200.                        Railway Contract Carrier Coverage Verification (SB 1681/PA 100-0458): Provides that each rail carrier that contracts with a contract carrier for the transportation of its employees in the course of their employment shall verify that the contract carrier has hit-and-run, uninsured, and underinsured motor vehicle coverage in an amount not less than $500,000 per passenger.


201.                        Sexual Orientation-Panic Defense (SB 1761/PA 100-0460):Prohibits the use of a panic defense in murder cases where a defendant is accused of a violent crime against another party, but defendant claims the action is justified on the grounds that the victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity is to blame for the defendant’s reaction.


202.                        Notification Requirements and Changes (HB 1954/PA 100-0475): Removes requirements that the notice of cancellation be mailed by an insurance company to the mortgage or lien holder at the last mailing address known by the company. Provides that the notification must be sent to the mortgagee or lien holder listed on the policy. Requires that a notification of the intent not to renew (Instead of an exact and unaltered copy of such notice) must been sent to any mortgagee or lien holder listed on the policy.


203.                        CMAP Meeting Notification (HB 2538/PA 100-0479): Requires open meetings of the Board of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning to be broadcast and maintained on the Board’s website.


204.                        Business Entities (HB 2713/PA 100-0486): Amends the Uniform Partnership Act, the Limited Liability Company Act and the Business Corporation Act to clarify certain provisions and to correct various omissions.


205.                        Premium Finance Electronic Notice (HB 3244/PA 100-0495):Provides that notice to a party and any other document required in a premium finance agreement, or which serves as evidence of a premium finance agreement, may be stored, presented and delivered by electronic means.


206.                        Homeless Birth Certificate Fee Waiver (HB 3060/PA 100-0506):Waives fees for a certified copy of a birth certificate for a homeless person. Limits at four the number of birth record searches a homeless person can make a year.

207.                        Law Enforcement Sexual Assault Investigation (HB 270/PA 100-0515): Requires each law enforcement agency to have a written policy regarding the investigation of an officer involved in sexual assault. Investigators must have completed specialized training approved by either the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board or the State Police.


208.                        Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Practice Act Extension (SB 771/PA 100-0530): Extends the repeal of the Illinois Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Practice Act to Jan. 1, 2028.


209.                        Abortion Expansion (HB 40/PA 100-0538): Expands taxpayer funding for abortions and ensures that abortion remains legal in Illinois. Allows for the use of tax dollars to fund abortions for any reason, including purely elective procedures, mandating state insurance and Medicaid coverage of abortion, induced miscarriage or induced premature birth.


210.                        Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits (HB 302/PA 100-0543):Requires insurers to evaluate lapsed or terminated policies going back to 2012 (originally 1996) to determine if the policy holder has died, and if so whether death benefits have been paid. To the extent insurers have electronic searchable files, they must evaluate policies in lapsed or terminated status going back to 2000 to determine if the policy holder has died and whether death benefits have been paid. Provides that any insurer that has entered into a settlement with the State Treasurer before Dec. 31, 2018, shall be bound by the terms of that agreement regarding lapsed policies.


211.                        Fire Protection District Annexation (HB 2778/PA 100-0547):Provides that a fire protection district may annex any property into its jurisdiction for which it is providing coverage under the Emergency Telephone System Act.


212.                        Prompt Payment —Youth Services (HB 3143/PA 100-0549):Expands prompt payment to cover a variety of youth services provided by a vendor under a contractual grant agreement. The agreement would state the following: qualify on behalf of the state by virtue of an appropriation from the General Assembly for payment from state funds; receive interest for late payments; seek alternative financing options when the state is unable to provide timely payment. This allows Boards of Directors and financial lenders confidence in fulfilling their respective fiduciary responsibilities in decisions related to investment, borrowing, refinancing, extending lines of credit, managing liabilities, agency growth and restructuring plans, etc.


213.                        Expatriate Foreign Tax Haven (HB 3419/PA 100-0551): Prohibits the State from doing business with or investing the retirement system in companies that incorporate in foreign tax havens to avoid paying income taxes in Illinois. The retirement system has the authority to engage in activism. The Retirement System may bring shareholder resolutions and proxy voting on shareholder resolutions. If the retirement system determines the shareholder activism is unsuccessful, then they will divest from the company.


214.                        Liabilities Report to the State Comptroller (HB 3649/PA 100-0552): Requires every state agency to submit a monthly report to the State Comptroller listing all current liabilities and interest penalties accrued under the State Prompt Payment Act. Also, allows the State Comptroller to waive the reporting requirement if a state agency does not have state liabilities.


215.                        Enhanced Opioid Monitoring (SB 772/PA 100-0564): Requires prescribers with an Illinois Controlled Substance License to register with and use the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program, a database that records patient prescription history.