Allison Cozart was the guest speaker at Thursday’s Rotary meeting. Allison is going on her fifth mission trip in June. She has been on three mission trips in the United States and one to Mexico. This trip will be to Haiti. A few weeks ago Matt Henson gave a revival at the First United Methodist Church and told of going to Haiti. Allison got with Matt and made plans to go also. The trip will be from June 13-June 21. She is looking forward to bringing Christian values to the country where the predominant belief is in voo-doo. Abbey Bryant is going with Allison. It was noted that the Methodist Men will put on a pancake fundraiser at the First United Methodist Church on April 22 from 7-11 AM. A silent auction will also be held.
In club business, Vice President Kenny Harrelson discussed some of the things he learned at presidents training. He also presented the new banner for his year which is coming up July 1. The club is planning a fish fry in May and more will be known at a later date. Sherri Logan named Morris McCall the phantom. Allison Cozart won the honor of selecting the pink ball in the 50/50 drawing and won the pot. Little Giant and Andy Williams served up a great meal of hamburgers, baked beans, potato salad and slaw. The Carmi Rotary club meets at noon on Thursday at the First United Methodist Church. Anyone wishing to get involved is encouraged to come help Rotary with the many local projects and charities that are supported. You can follow us on Facebook.
Photo credits to Kenneth Dwain Harrelson