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Rotary learns about the “Daniel Plan”

      rotary-jan19th-04393cfphoto credit: Kenneth Dwain Harrelson    

At Thursday’s Rotary meeting, Pastor Randy Douglass, of the Rotary Club, explained the Daniel Plan to the Rotarians.  Pastor Randy has introduced the plan to the First United Methodist Church members and it has gone over well.  The plan was put together by Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California.  Rick also wrote Purpose Driven Life a few years ago.  The plan has 5 focus areas.  They are faith, food, fitness, focus and friends.  The plan uses all these areas to help people not only to get fit physically but also spiritually.  The club’s future meals will be based on the foods suggested by this plan which are good wholesome food.  Randy will talk more about the Daniel Plan in the future.

In club business, the chili supper held at the Lion’s Den was a success.  Cindy Conley will give a complete report once all the money is collected and the bills are paid.  Cindy also introduced Sacha Dickerson and Jonathon Akers of SWAN, Inc.  SWAN stands for Stopping Woman Abuse Now.  They have just opened an office in Carmi and also have offices in Olney and Effingham.  Elderly abuse is another area that they focus on.  They will return at a later date to give a more extensive program.  JR Hubele named Tom Logan as the phantom.  Andy Williams won the honor of selecting the pink ball in the 50/50 drawing but did not so the large pot rolls over.  Andy Williams and Little Giant prepared a delicious meal of cheeseburger casserole.  The club meets at noon on Thursday at the First United Methodist Church.  Anyone wishing to get involved is encouraged to come help Rotary with the many local projects and charities that are supported.