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Prayer Walk Saturday

Prayer Walk

The local Gideons and Carmi Ministerial Association have joined together to host a special Prayer Walk this Saturday morning.

Greg Grant of the First Christian Church and president of the Ministerial Association and Art Saunders of the local Gideons were guest on Open Line Thursday detailing the special event, which will begin at Veteran’s Park, across from the city building at 9 Saturday morning.

There will be special prayers at Veteran’s Park for public officials and law enforcement. The walk will the proceed to Washington School, where prayers will be held for teachers, students, administrators and families.

The Prayer walk will then proceed back to the Downtown House of Prayer, where special prayers will be held for the local churches and pastors.

Everyone is invited to participate in Saturday morning’s Prayer Walk and should gather at Veteran’s park, again that is across from the city building. The walk will begin at 9 a.m.