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Rush Hour Rodeo
Rush Hour Rodeo
2:00pm - 6:00pm

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John Summer
John Summer
2:00pm - 7:00pm

Next Hope Center “Feed the Family” Jan. 21

The Hope Center will be having “Feed the Family” on Saturday January 21st with the Albion Free Methodist and House of Prayer helping out. Start time will be around 9am and this will happen come rain or shine. Free food and other toiletries will be passed out. If your church would like to help out with a future Feed the Family please call Bucky at 618-516-3859 or Steve at 618-445-2065.

The next Edwards County Ministerial Meeting will be held on February 7th starting at 11 am at the House of Prayer. The House of Prayer is located at 230 North 5th in Albion.  This is open to any full or part time Pastor, Preacher, Chaplain, Minster,  or Youth Pastor serving in Edwards County. Donuts and coffee will be served. For more info contact Pastor Mac Dalton at 445-2731.