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Cathy Taylor
Cathy Taylor
9:00am - 2:00pm

New Unemployment Insurance Process to Streamline Tax Experience for Illinois Employers

Beginning September 11, the Illinois Department of Revenue’s MyTax Illinois will become Illinois employers’ most convenient option for filing unemployment insurance monthly wage reports, quarterly unemployment insurance reports, and for making contribution payments.    The transition is a joint effort between the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) and the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) to simplify the tax experience for both new and existing Illinois employers.


“By utilizing MyTax Illinois for IDES’ unemployment insurance processes, employers will be afforded an easy, secure method to file and pay unemployment insurance taxes,” said Connie Beard, IDOR Director.  “With more than 100 taxes and fees collected through MyTax Illinois, we believe it will provide a user-friendly online method to manage employer tax accounts.”


Some of the benefits employers can expect to see include the ability to:


  • Register a new business with IDES and IDOR in one secure location;
  • Save time completing and mailing paper reports by filing wage reports and paying unemployment contributions electronically;
  • Make changes to account information quickly and easily;
  • Get immediate online confirmation that reports and payments have been received and processed timely;
  • View IDES and IDOR correspondence, account balances and other documents through a secure message center; and
  • File UI-3/40 reports, make payments and report quarterly zero wages online.


“I’m excited because two large State agencies, IDOR and IDES, are working together on this very critical project,” said IDES Director Jeff Mays. “We’ll be able to serve employers better and more efficiently because employers will have modern tools at their fingertips with a safer and faster way to conduct business with IDES.”


“I was able to hear a presentation on the upgrades from Director Mays and Director Beard and I commend them and their agencies for cutting through the bureaucracy to bring something of great value to the Illinois business community,” said Illinois Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Todd Maisch.


Current employers, who already have a withholding account with IDOR, are encouraged to set up their MyTax Illinois profile in advance of September 2017 to begin taking advantage of the free online account management program to manage all other types of tax accounts.  Employers may easily add their unemployment insurance account after September 11, 2017.


For more information on MyTax Illinois, please visit:  Employer questions regarding MyTax Illinois may be directed to the IDOR Telephone Assistance Hot Line: 1-800-732-8866.