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National Rifle Association and Illinois State Rifle Association Endorse David Reis for State Representative

State Representative David Reis (R-Ste. Marie) has received the endorsements of the National Rifle Association and the Illinois State Rifle Association in the race for the 109th House District.
Reis, a lifelong hunter and proud NRA member, received an “A+” rating from the NRA-PVF for his 100% pro-gun/pro-hunting voting record.
“As State Representative, I am fighting to protect our constitutional freedoms from those who would take away our rights,” Reis said. “I have always opposed the gun-grabbing agenda of the Chicago politicians. My record of protecting our Second Amendment rights has earned me the NRA and ISRA endorsements in this campaign and I am very proud to have their support.”
John Weber, State Liaison for the NRA-ILA, praised Reis’ proven record of standing up for law-abiding gun owners.
“David Reis has been a strong leader in the Illinois House of Representatives when it comes to the protection of our right to keep and bear arms,” Weber said. “Let’s send David back to Springfield where he can continue championing the freedoms of every law-abiding gun owner, hunter and sportsman.”
David Reis is a farmer/businessman who lives in Jasper County on their family’s fifth-generation farm, where the Reis’ have farmed for over 150 years. Reis is also endorsed by the following organizations:
Illinois Chamber of Commerce
Illinois Farm Bureau ACTIVATOR
Illinois Citizens for Life
Illinois Federation for Right to Life