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Miss White County Speaks to Kiwanis

Miss White County Speaks to Kiwanis Club

At their January 3, 2019 meeting, the Carmi Kiwanis Club heard from Miss White County Fair Sidney Bingman. Bingman spoke to the club about domestic violence – her platform during her reign.

A victim herself, Bingman told the club that domestic violence can by mental, physical and emotional. The abuser will often manipulate and control victims. Victims then often feel like they no longer have confidence, family or friends. In Bingman’s case, her reign as Miss White County has helped her regain confidence while helping other people who have been in similar situations.

Kiwanis President Katelyne Wolff told the club that Bingman will compete for Miss Illinois County Fair Queen later this month in Springfield. She wished Bingman well on behalf of the club.

In club business, Wolff reminded the club that the annual Pancake Day will be February 23. She also encouraged each member to find a new member to join this year.


ATTACHED PHOTO: Miss White County Sidney Bingman address the Carmi Kiwanis Club.