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Mayor Pollard signs proclamation for Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week


Carmi Mayor Jeff Pollard signs proclamation with Illinois Lawsuit Abuse Watch Executive Director Travis Akin on Wednesday



WHEREAS, Illinois Lawsuit Abuse Watch, a grassroots, legal watchdog group is observing the week of Oct. 3-7, 2016 as “Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week;” and

WHEREAS, “Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week” is an opportunity to focus the public’s attention on the need for civil justice reform in Illinois and to finally shed the state’s reputation as the “Lawsuit Abuse Capital of the Midwest;” and

WHEREAS, As citizens of Illinois, we are deeply concerned with the impact frivolous lawsuits have on businesses, consumers, taxpayers and local governments; and

WHEREAS, We understand that stopping lawsuit abuse starts with each and every citizen because unnecessary lawsuits hurt the ability of Illinois communities to attract jobs and opportunities; and

WHEREAS, Good judges matter and with more common-sense minded members of the judiciary comes a vastly improved litigation climate throughout Illinois, which will lead to more job growth and economic opportunities; and

WHEREAS, The judicial branch of government exerts considerable influence on our society making it important for citizens to make informed choices when they cast their vote judicial candidates; and

WHEREAS, Illinois legislators should work to pass common sense reforms that help create jobs, not lawsuits; and


WHEREAS, Lawsuit reforms such as Venue Reform and Joint and Severability Liability Reform is needed to improve Illinois’s economy; and

WHEREAS, A recent Harris Polling report ranks Illinois 48th out of 50 states for legal fairness; and

WHEREAS, The abuse of Illinois courts also hurts taxpayers who have to pay the cost for the endless lawsuits brought against city and county governments; and

WHEREAS, I-LAW has implemented a program of public information to: increase public awareness of the adverse impact of lawsuit abuse; encourage personal responsibility and citizen action; and address the importance of jury service.

Now, therefore, I do hereby proclaim that Oct. 3-7, 2016 shall be

Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week

In Carmi, Illinois and I urge our citizens to inform themselves about our civil justice system and show their support for Illinois Lawsuit Abuse Watch in its efforts to increase public awareness of lawsuit abuse and its effects on the community.

In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand as the official representative of Carmi, Illinois on this the 5th day of October, 2016.


Jeff Pollard, Mayor of Carmi