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Kiwanians Learn About Stay Positive Stay Aggressive

At their Thursday meeting, the Carmi Kiwanis Club heard from Caleb Hughes about Stay Positive Stay Aggressive (SPSA). The 501C3 organization was started by Jade Mitchell just twelve days following a diagnosis of MS. The organization has no payroll and 100% of the proceeds goes to help others.

Hughes noted that Mitchell’s life and mission changed upon diagnosis, wanting to be able to help others that were struggling with medical bills. Over the last few years, they have done just that by giving away over $80000.

One such recipient of Mitchell’s efforts was Megan Rice. Her father, Todd Rice, told the club that he was “truly grateful for Jade Mitchell” and how he had helped their family.

SPSA’s main fundraiser each year is a Golf Outing at the Carmi Country Club. This year’s event will be held on May 19. More information about the event, as well as the organization, can be found at