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IAA Foundation offers scholarship to support agriculture, Illinois Farm Bureau families

Agriculture students and Illinois Farm Bureau® (IFB) members and their children are encouraged to apply for 71 college scholarships offered by the IAA Foundation, Illinois Farm Bureau’s charitable arm. The scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to $7,500 per year, will be awarded in total of $143,400 for the 2017-2018 school year.

“We are pleased to help students through our growing scholarship program,” said Susan Moore, director, IAA Foundation. “It is a great privilege to support the next generation of leaders, and encourage continuing education in agricultural fields.”

Students may apply for a variety of scholarships, including three IAA Foundation Top Scholarships, where winners will each receive $5,000 awards. Another $7,500 award goes to the Illinois Farm Bureau Legacy of Leadership scholarship winner.

In addition to family scholarships often established to honor the memory of a loved one, the IAA Foundation offers scholarships on behalf of organizations such as Prairie Farms Dairy and the Illinois Soybean Association.

All applicants must be high school seniors accepted for enrollment, or students already enrolled at an accredited college, university or community college. Scholarships are awarded for exceptional academic ability, leadership and financial need. Previous winners of an IAA Foundation scholarship are eligible to apply again.

A full listing of available scholarships, eligibility guidelines, and application documents are available at the Foundation website, Completed applications must be submitted online by Feb. 1, 2017.

For more information, contact your county Farm Bureau, the IAA Foundation at 309-557-2230, or e-mail Susan Moore, director, IAA Foundation, at [email protected].

The mission of the IAA Foundation, Illinois Farm Bureau’s charitable arm, is to fund education, research, and charitable activities that benefit Illinois farm families and agriculture.