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Historical Society Fall Dinner Coming Up

Historical Society Fall Dinner Coming Up


The White County Historical Society’s annual Fall Dinner is coming up Monday, November 12.

Reservations for the dinner, which will announce a Heritage House Award must be in by this weekend. Dinner reservations will be accepted through Sunday, Nov. 4 and can be made by calling Paula Pierson at 618-382-7633. Reservations must be paid, even if for some reason you are unable to attend the Nov. 12 dinner.

The catered dinner will be served at 6 p.m. at the First Christian Church at a cost of $20 per person.

The highlight of the dinner will be the presentation of the Heritage House Award to Mr. and Mrs. John Healy for their home on West Main Street. The home has under gone extensive restoration in recent years.

The Heritage House Award began over 40 years ago and over 30 homes throughout White County have received the special recognition and the one-of-a-kind plaque to display on the home.

The Historical society is making a special effort to invite all of the current occupants of a Heritage House, as well as former occupants to attend this year’s presentation.

White County Historical Society owns and maintains four museums as well as the Mary Smith Faye Genealogy Library. This responsibility and other programs including county wide education programs, such as the Second grade Tea Parties and Fifth Grade Pioneer Days, require the support and volunteer efforts of many people. The Society needs additional members and financial support, so a spokesman for the Society asked everyone to consider attending the dinner.

All members and community residents are welcome to attend.