HCE Salad Luncheon
If you’re a lover of great salads and good food, then mark your calendar for Saturday, May 18.
That’s the date for this year’s White County H.C.E. Salad Luncheon.
The special fund-raiser will include a vendor fair this year and will be held at the Emmanuel United Methodist Church. The vendor fair wil run from 9 that morning until about 1. The luncheon will get underway around 11:30 and conclude around 1 that afternoon.
There will be a $10 charge for the luncheon. Tickets may be purchased in advance from any HCE member or at the door.
And if a great lunch, a chance to purchase items from the vendors isn’t enough, there will be door prizes awarded during the event.
Again, the HCE salad luncheon; 11:30 to 1 Saturday, May 18.