The Grayville City Council met for their second meeting of March Monday night. After approving the treasurer’s report, the Council approved a purchase order of $850 to Brent Spear Construction for curb work in the I-64 Plaza, and $3072 for pool chemicals.
No executive session was needed on pending litigation, and approval of mowing bids was tabled until more information could be gathered by Mayor Joe Bisch and Commissioner David Jordan.
The Council did approve a resolution to vacate portions of Koehler and Helm Streets to the Masonic Trust, but tabled the approval of purchase of a new tractor for the Street Department until Commissioner Josh Downs was present.
The City and Fallwell Construction have come to terms on a water contract change, and the Council approved a final payment of $733.42 to be made.
Approval was given to the Grayville VFW to solicit for Poppy Day on May 13 from 8 am to noon. A rain date of May 27th was also approved.
Conner Neely and Regan Hatcher were hired as co-managers for the swimming pool.
City Attorney Jay Walden informed the Council the paperwork filings for Rest Up Camping and RV Corral were proceeding smoothly.
Commissioner Andy Brock noted that the work at the new Pavilion was progressing, and that the picnic tables were in place.
The meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm, and the City Council will next meet on April 10th at 7 pm.