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Gina Sailer named Kiwanis Teacher of the Year

Carmi Kiwanis Club President Holly Healy (left) presents Gina Sailer with the 2018 Kiwanis Club Educator of the Year Award during the club’s weekly meeting on Thursday, May 17.  Sailer, who currently teaches first grade at Lincoln School, has served the Carmi-White County system for over three decades.


At their Thursday meeting, the Carmi Kiwanis Club named Gina Sailer 2018 Educator of the Year. Salier, a first grade teacher at Lincoln, was nominated by her peers in the school district and selected by a selection committee formed of Kiwanis Club members.

Club President Holly Healy told the club before presenting the award, “There were a lot of outstanding nominations. We wish we could honor everyone nominated.” Healy also explained to the club she had asked another Kiwanian to present the award, but he was unable to attend. She went on to present the award by reading a letter written by Luke Sailer, Kiwanian and son of Gina Sailer.

The letter from Luke Sailer read in part, “Mother, guardian, counselor, referee, coach, cheerleader, advocate, hero, and educator…those are just a few of the titles that a wonderful teacher truly encompasses and embraces each and every day. Teaching isn’t a hobby or a career it is truly a lifestyle.” The letter continued, “We are truly blessed to have one of those special individuals with us today. Mrs. Gina Sailer, a first grade teacher at Lincoln Elementary School, is this year’s Kiwanis Educator of the Year. Mrs. Sailer has been a teacher for the past 30 years in the Carmi-White County School system. She has touched the lives of numerous first graders throughout her tenure and has a special connection to each and every student she has ever taught. Mrs. Sailer has seen the system change in many ways and has witnessed the evolution of education. She started out at the Big Prairie School before coming to her current classroom at Lincoln. She has only ever taught first grade, which you could say makes her and expert at that level…” The letter finished by reading, “You are an inspiration to us all and we thank you for your dedication and service to our community.”

After the presentation of the award, the Club heard an update on the Carmi White County School District from Superintendent Brad Lee. They also heard updates from High School Principal Jarrod Newell, Jr. High Principal Bart King, Washington Attendance Center Principal Amy Atteberry, and Jefferson and Lincoln Schools Principal Dr. Amy Dixon. The club also heard from retiring Brownsville School Principal Cindy Hoskins, who also recognized retiring teacher Julie Stanley from Brownsville School.

Pictured above are the Jefferson School Most Valuable Bulldogs for the fourth quarter.  These youngsters were selected by their teachers for their safe, responsible and respectful behavior in the classroom.  They were treated to lunch and introduced to the crowd at the Carmi Kiwanis Club meeting on Thursday, May 17.  Left to right are Kenneth Clark, Easton Ochs, Brooke Rahmoeller, Gavin Hamblin, Aubrey Kessler, Kami James and Braelyn Russell.


Prior the program, Dr. Dixon recognized the Most Valuable Bulldogs for the last quarter.