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Friend of the Children Nominations Needed

Friend of the Children Nominations Needed


The Guardian Center is currently planning the annual Spring Banquet, which is set for April 12 at the VFW, here in Carmi.

With that in mind, the center is currently seeking nominations for the Friend of the Children award.

The award is presented to an individual who contributes in a special way to meet the needs of children in the Guardian Center’s service area.
“We are asking that members of the public submit a letter of nomination for a person they believe has shown exemplary commitment to the needs of children and whose efforts should be acknowledged,” said a spokesperson for the center.

Nominations are open to all persons in White, Gallatin, Saline, Edwards, Wabash, Richland, Lawrence and Crawford county except for the paid staff of the Guardian Center.


The primary criteria for the Friend of the Children Award are; the individual has an established record for working with children in some mentoring/treatment/character building activity; and the individual has gone “above and beyond” the call of duty in their service to children.
One should submit a letter outlining the accomplishments or activities of the nominee.

It is recommended that submissions include one or two letters of support, but this is not required. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, march 8th at the 5 o’clock close of business.

The Award recipient will be recognized at the 2019 annual spring fundraising banquet on April 12 at the Carmi VFW.

Nominations should be sent to Friend of the Children Award, care of; The Guardian Center, 1124 Oak Street, carmi, Il 6281 or email them to [email protected]


Tickets for the annual banquet are available at the center by calling 618-382-824