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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Darren Bailey signs pledge opposing Speaker Mike Madigan and supporting term limits

Darren Bailey, candidate for State Representative in the 109th District, today signed a pledge committing to vote against Mike Madigan for Speaker of the Illinois House and to support term limits legislation.

Bailey joined State Representative candidate Blaine Wilhour and Governor Bruce Rauner in signing the People’s Pledge. In a statement at the press conference, Bailey said the powerful Speaker of the House Mike Madigan is the main obstacle to getting the reforms Illinois needs.

“I am signing the People’s Pledge because we can no longer afford the one-man rule in Springfield,” Bailey said. “When I talk to people in my district, they are concerned about the future of our state and they are worried about their way of life. The political reality the people in this district face is that Mike Madigan is making decisions about the issues they care about and yet he does not even bother to understand the perspective we have here in southern Illinois. If we want to get the reforms we need, then we need new leadership in the Illinois House of Representatives.”

Bailey also pledged his support for term limits.

“We have seen what the legacy of career politicians is here in Illinois and I think we can all agree a different approach is needed,” Bailey said. “It is time to put principle above politics. If given the opportunity to vote on term limits in the Illinois House, I will support it. We need to move Illinois forward.

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