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Carmi Kiwanis Celebrates Christmas

The Carmi Kiwanis Club celebrated Christmas at its last luncheon meeting of 2017, December 21.  Eric Rahlfs, serving as President for Holly Healy, opened the meeting and introduced program co-chairman Greg Grant and Scott Johnson who presented a Christmas reading by Henry Van Dyke entitled “The Fourth Wide Man”.

The fictional story is an addition and expansion of the account of the Biblical Magi, recounted in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament.  It tells about a “fourth” wise man, a priest of the Magi named Artaban.  Like the other Magi, he sees signs in the heavens proclaiming that a King had been born among the Jews.  Like them, he sets out to see the newborn ruler, carrying treasures to give as gifts to the child.  However, his journey is interrupted along the route as he stops to help a dying man and arrives in Bethlehem too late to see the child.

He continues his quest in search of Jesus for many years performing many acts of charity along the way.  After 33 years and still a pilgrim seeking after light, his life comes to an end.  In his dying moments a voice tells him “Verily I say unto thee, Inasmuch as thou hast done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, thou hast done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40)  He dies in a calm radiance of wonder and joy.  His treasures were accepted, and the Other Wise Man found his King.

In club business, Art Saunders inducted two new members into the club.  Paul Dusch, a newcomer to Carmi and owner of Anchor Insurance Agency located at 115 Cherry Street, Suite D.  Also inducted was Kent Fulkerson, a familiar face in Carmi serving as Sr. V.P. – Risk Management for First Bank.  A special welcome to these two new members.

Additionally, two guests were welcomed – Brad Beesley and Kendra Hughes – guests of Eric Rahlfs and Scott Johnson of First Mid Illinois Bank and Trust.  And, finally Rahlfs asked those Kiwanians who chair Corn Days Committees to get their proposed budgets for Corn Days 2018 to Holly Healy ASAP.  David Johnson was the gracious winner of the 50/50 drawing.  The next meeting of the club will be January 4, 2018.  Happy New Year to all!