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Busy Week for Open Line Program

Open Line Programs


We have an Open Line program this morning on WROY AM 1460 and the new 92.1 FM, matter of fact, this morning’s Open Line will kick off Open Lines for the rest of the week.


This morning (Tues) we will be visiting with Scott Rice of Rice Motor Company and Anthony Huffer of White County Ford, Chrysler, Jeep.  We will be talking about the car culture; past and present, along with looking at the current vehicle market.


Wednesday, our Open Line program will be discussing the Recovery Orientated System of Care, with Terri Cain and Leigh Poore of the Egyptian Health Department. ROSC is a newly formed program featuring a new, improved approach to treating those with addictions.


Thursday, we will be talking about a special program coming up at Southeastern Illinois College to benefit Ferrel hospital….Dueling Pianos will be the topic, Joining us for that discussion will be Angela Wilson of SIC and Caleigh Bruce of Ferrell Hospital


Friday, we start a new Open Line feature; the Last Friday.  Each last Friday of the month, General Manager JC Tinsley and morning man, Scott Mareing will be joining me for open discussions about what ever topics that come to mind. This Friday, among the many things we will be discussing will be the technology involved with broadcasting three different stations from one building.

Open Line airs in the 9’oclock hour. Listeners are welcome to call in.

By the way, if you have a topic or event that you think would make a good Open Line program, or you would like to advance publicity for the event, give me, Ray Mitchell a call at 618-382-4161 to schedule a date.