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Cathy Taylor
Cathy Taylor
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Adam Sexton tells Rotary about path to pilot’s license at Thursday meeting

At Thursday’s Rotary meeting, Adam Sexton was introduced as the program by his grandmother Helen. Adam sells roof bolts to the mining industry. But that wasn’t what he came to talk to the Rotarians about. Two years ago, he decided to get his private pilots license. He has completed several steps toward that goal. Later this month, he will be taking his practical exam.20160505_124805 He told the Rotarians that you need to become a weather man to be able to fly. Understanding weather is very important in flying. He also told the Rotarians that you have to use your feet as much as your hands in flying. If all goes well, he should get his private pilot license soon. He also explained the difference between the license he is working toward and a commercial pilot’s license. In conclusion, he remarked on how great an airport Carmi has for such a small community. He noted that it is 4,000 feet in length and 75 feet wide which compares favorably with other small airports in the region. Adam answered several questions from the group.

In club business, members discussed their spring fundraiser. Carmi Rotary will hold a fish fry on May 13 from 5-7pm at the American Legion. Besides fish, they will serve hush puppies, baked beans, slaw, potato salad, dessert and drink for a $10 donation. Kent Armstrong won the 50/50 drawing and but did not select the pink ball so the pot rolls over. Kelly Pyle was named the phantom. Anthony Sexton, Adam’s father, and Paul Schumaker and Richard Roser, long time Rotarians, was also present. Andy Williams and Little Giant prepared a delicious meal for the Rotarians Pictures are provided by Kenny Harrelson. The club meets at noon on Thursday at the First United Methodist Church. Anyone wishing to get involved is encouraged to come help Rotary with the many local projects and charities that are supported.