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34th Kunstfest coming to New Harmony Sept. 17 and 18

On Sept. 17th and 18th The New Harmony Business Associates will sponsor their 34th annual Kunstfest. The festival celebrates German food, music and crafts and to celebrate New Harmony’s founders who came to the area in 1814. The festival runs from Sat. the 17th 9am-5pm and Sun. the 18th 9am-4pm in downtown New Harmony, Indiana.

This is our largest festival and we expect to draw a crowd of over 20,000. The distinctive German flags and buntings of black, red and gold will grace buildings and homes in celebration of the event. During Kunstfest the town’s streets will be lined with over 200 booths selling such items as antiques, collectibles, locally made pottery, barn items, wreaths, repurposed furniture, daylilies, homemade jams, jellies, preserves, hand carved fishing lures, rag quilts, pumpkins, painted gourds, handmade jewelry, dulcimers, handmade purses, handmade boutique clothes for children, glass bottle patio torches and 100’s of other items.

And for the food they will be offering brats, kraut balls, German potato salad, German bologna, German roasted nuts, burgers, specialty hot dogs, potato twisters, apple fried pies, grilled breads, funnel cakes, homemade ice cream, tenderloins, hot tamales, BBQ parfaits, pork chops, brain sandwiches, fried mac and cheese, fried Oreos and many more items for the hungry guests.

Historical pioneer crafts of the 1860’s and 1870’s will be demonstrated by skilled craftsman dressed in period costume. View the old ways of blacksmithing, rope making, bee keeping broom making basket weaving just to name a few. There will be lively German folk and Blue Grass music being played at different venues around New Harmony. Also new in the music line this year will be Fife and Drum Corp that will be performing throughout the town both days. The Tippecanoe Ancient Fife and Drum Corps has been recreating the music and uniforms of the 1750’s Compagnies Franches de la Marine, the marine troops of France who protected this area of Indiana which was then part of the French colonies of Canada and Louisiana. The Tippecanoe Ancient Fife and Drum Corps is happy to be celebrating their 48th year of fifing and drumming in the Midwest.

A new show featuring artful comedy and great music is joining this year’s Kunstfest line-up. Kunst means art in German and, true to the festival spirit, Wabash River Radio Revue will treat audiences to quick-witted comedy segments, humorous banter, and special musical guests After Hours. Wabash River Radio Revue is a new addition to the festival, and takes place Saturday, September 17, at 3:00pm, in New Harmony’s historic Thralls Opera House. The show reunites three long-time friends and performing arts pros in a team dedicated to bringing professional productions to audiences across greater Evansville and beyond. Christia Ward, Cary Gray, and Kim Patrick Bitz (bios attached) bring decades of experience to the table, and Wabash River Radio Revue is the first of many projects to come. Tickets are just $5 and are available day-of-show only, beginning at noon, at Thralls Opera House. Come early and enjoy some of the great food, artist booths, and other Kunstfest activities.

The children’s area will have a bouncy house, pumpkin painting and other events. They can then go to the Hoosier Salon to paint flower pots. Don’t forget the Big Whopper Liar’s Contest on Saturday evening at Murphy Auditorium. Folks who would like to tell a fun, clean story that is not on the up and up are encouraged to join in on the fun. For more information contact Scott Huck at 812-963-5198.

There will also be a shuttle running from the Atheneum and the old school building parking lots. The shuttle is sponsored and ran by the Junior Firemen of New Harmony. Throughout the town of New Harmony, you are invited to shop the many street booths and stands, as well as the stores, galleries and shops of our vibrant business district. During your stay, spend time visiting our historic sites and our award winning visitors center. Sample our restaurants; enjoy our beautiful gardens and parks; walk streets lined with colorful autumn leaved trees. Enjoy both the excitement of Kunstfest and the beauty of the Fall Season in the historic town of New Harmony.